Friday, July 30, 2010

How Ezine Marketing Can Generate Low Cost Leads

How Ezine Marketing Can Drive Traffic to Your Site:

Low cost lead generation traffic is a big issue today, with the internet market taking off, and with the thousands of websites that all have similar aims, goals, products, and services. The dilema of, how to pull MLM Leads to their website remains. In other words, there are a whole lot of pedestrians on the street, and a while lot of shops that are lining the avenues – so the issue is how to get pedestrians to cross the street and brave other websites to get to yours.

The metaphor might be lacking, but if you are interested in web low cost lead generation traffic and being more popular and useful online, then you should get the point. Website traffic can make or break a business, and not just the website that represents it. The more multi level marketing leads that get to a website, the more popular it becomes, and the higher it will rank in lists and search engines. The more visitors a website has, the more profitable it becomes, and the better the credibility of the company that it represents. In other words, get people to go to your site, and you earn money. And, in other words, your problem is how to not only get people to your site, but to make them stay there, and to have them coming back again and again to avail of your services.

There are many ways that low cost lead generation traffic can be redirected to one site, and not to another. A site might have great content that search engines love, simply because the words and phrases are available at a certain density that might indicate website owner and developer creativity and credibility. A site might be popular on blogs or online journals, and people might go to it simply because a blog owner likes it. Or a site might be heavy on the graphics and free downloads, making people flock to it to get a piece of the pie.

But, as in the offline world, the businesses that thrive are those that meet customer needs, and meet these needs even as they change. In the online arena, this may mean updating your website every so often – but how far can mere text go if you have customers who are very graphics and visuals oriented? One way that you can take advantage of this orientation is by presenting and offering for download an electronic magazine, or ezine.

An ezine is simply a magazine version of the text that you would like to update on your site. This magazine can either be downloaded as a PDF, so that customers can browse through it; or as software, so that customers can see graphics that make them appear as though they are flipping pages or looking at a real, printed magazine. A PDF will be the lighter file, and this can be an advantage to customers who want to download only small files without regard for graphics quality. The software, of course, is heavier and will take longer to download, but it can offer your customers some animation, graphics, and other features that can make the ezine more interesting.

Offer this ezine every two weeks or every month, and you can start meeting customer needs. What might an ezine contain? You can have a collection of pictures from photographers that you know, and a magazine full of photographs can be nice to look at while browsing the internet on the train on the way home. You can have a collection of short stories from up-and-coming authors, and a magazine full of stories can be nice to read while taking time off from work. You can have a real magazine set up complete with editorials and articles, which can be great if you’re making a magazine for moms and helping them out with their housekeeping.

These are only a few ideas that you might want to take into consideration, but you should get the point. The best ezines are those that cater to the visual and mental needs of its particular market – and the best ezines are those that make a website more useful, and can thus help it get a lot more traffic.

For more strategies on how to drive more traffic to your website or online business: Please click below:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Excellent Writing Skills Will Generate Low Cost Leads:

Using Excellent Writing To Drive Traffic To Your Website:

Do you know that your flair for writing can generate low cost lead traffic that you want for your website? If you have excellent writing skills, don't put it to waste. Use it to promote your site in more ways than one.

Writers are currently earning so much writing articles like this for websites. Web owners in turn, use them for content and for website, product, or service promotion. Well-written articles optimized for search engines could help boost your web page's page ranking and performance on the searches. To optimize articles, one needs to sprinkle it with keywords that are supposed to be repeated several times in the body of the article. This way, when a certain surfer tries to search for that term using a search engine, your website will come up first - or at least in the first page of the search results.

You should know by now that if your website is on that very first page of search results, the higher is the probability that surfers will check your site and look for that thing they want to see. And that is one good way to generate low cost lead traffic to your site.

But it doesn't end there. You might be wondering how you can improve traffic to your site after all the necessary contents have been loaded. Of course, there's something else you can do. And your excellent writing skills have a lot to do with it still. For starters, you can write for article directories.

Article directories are sites whose the main purpose is to upload articles submitted by members. These articles are free articles. Other people can copy them and put them in their own websites. They don't need to pay for it but one thing is requested from them - they have to publish the article in its entirely. This means they would need to include all embedded links and anchor texts found in the article. The author's description and by-line should also be included. If they don't agree to this rule, they can't use the article at all.

You can include links to your websites on the articles you submit to article directories. It is a good way to promote your site. The more networkmarketing leads getting your articles, the more website carries your links. And the visitors of those websites would somehow find their way to your site as well.

You can also do this free content technique without going through article directories. Directly from your site, you can inform your MLM leads that they are free to use your articles and publish them anywhere acceptable. Just include instructions on your page so they can use your articles accordingly. A lot of web masters needing content prefer to get articles from websites that they can trust rather than from an article directory.

These are the ways that you can possibly put that excellent writing skills in work for you and your website. For webmasters like you,low cost lead traffic is very precious. Every new visitor you have is a gem. So if you think you can't write, start brushing up on past grammar lessons and some creative writing skills. You are certainly going to need them handy - especially if low cost lead traffic is the main problem you have to deal with as far as your site is concerned.

For more strategies on Low Cost Lead Generation please click below:

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How Digg Can Drive Low Cost Lead Generation To Your Site:

Let Digg Drive Low Cost Lead Generation To Your Site:

17-09-2010 by Cher

Digg can be considered as an article directory. But unlike regular article directories, it keeps a community of the best MLM Leads, who actively participates in rating articles, social book marking, and even blogging. Digg also offers syndication of articles, among many other things.

Digg is a very popular website. In fact, it got hordes of members that create big amounts of low cost lead generation traffic everyday. And because Digg has plenty of MLM Leads, you can very well use it to your advantage. Let Digg’s multitudes give you a good portion of its traffic. And you’ll find out that it is quite easy to do.

To use Digg, just create a very interesting story. Of course, with a lot of other Multi-level marketers, who have submitted articles before you, you can expect yours will be placed at the bottom position. But don’t worry. Digg keeps a record of recently uploaded articles so you have a good chance of getting to your readers. And no, you won’t get to the top of the list or in this case on the home page, after some time of waiting in the sidelines. To get there, people would have to ‘digg’ your story.

To ‘digg’ is synonymous to ‘to vote’ positively in favor of your article. Digg members usually cast their votes after reading your story. And if they find it interesting and informative enough, they would be more that willing to give you their vote. With enough votes, you’ll get to the home page. By estimate, your article should get around 51 votes within 24 hours to reach the top spot. The more votes you get, the better position your article will be.

But Why Do You Need To Get To The Homepage?

Simple. It’s where the traffic really is. When you go to any website, the first thing you’ll ever check out and perhaps the only one you’ll visit, is the home page. Not many people would actually go through the deeper pages of site, unless they are looking for something in particular. So when your story gets to the first page, you are almost assured of at least a thousand page impressions leading to your site. This is how powerful Digg can really be.

So How Do You Do It?

First and foremost, create catchy titles. You have to spend time thinking about the most appropriate, most interesting, and most striking title for your story. Dull titles would never make it. Keep in mind that your titles will be the only thing your potential readers will see and maybe together with the first two lines of story. So if your title isn’t good enough, don’t bother.

Then write your story. Make sure you write about something that’s fresh and up-to-date. Don’t attempt to talk about something everybody knows for ages. Statistics shows that these types of articles don’t make it anywhere near the homepage at all. When writing your story, try to make it more readable by putting numbered lists or bullets. How-to guides usually fairs well. People love reading stories in this format more than anything else.

Now that you can see how Digg can help you boost your website’slow cost lead generation traffic, be sure to use it in the next offing. Your article might not do well on your first try. That’s okay. You’ll get better with it as you go along.
When generating traffic for your website, try to use everything you can all at the same time. Traffic means profit. So take everything that you can get.

To learn more strategies for Low Cost Lead Generation with Cheryl, please

click below:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Email Marketing Can Generate Low Cost Leads to Your Site:

Writing is a Breeze: How Email Marketing Can Drive Traffic to Your Site:

If you are concerned about your website generating low cost lead traffic, you only need to know that you are not alone in your worries. There are about a thousand other websites in the world that have the same aims and goals as yours; and there are millions of websites on the internet. You have a place in the global market, but can you pull people to your side of the internet universe and get them to buy your products and services? Even more simply and basically, can you pull people out of their internet domains and drive them to your site?

There are many different ways to generate low cost lead traffic to a website, and nearly all of them require a great deal of effort, if not thinking, on your part. You can tailor your website content to fit the requirements of search engines in a process called search engine optimization. This way, you can aid the search engines in finding your site, indexing it properly, and putting a proper ranking on it. When people start searching for your site using keywords or key phrases found in your site content, your site will show up on search engine results, and if you are a top ranker in search engine results lists, you will be seen immediately and you get that low cost lead traffic that you need.

However, such a process can be tedious and costly, and it has to be done regularly. This can cause a strain on you if you are especially prone to having larger offline workloads, so if you are used to updating your site once or twice every few months at the most, you will have to hire search engine optimization specialists to do the work for you. This means more costs and more time spent editing and looking through the new content for your site.

On the other hand, if you would like to spend a little bit less, then maybe you can look at email marketing. At its simplest, email marketing is sending out emails to your potential MLM Leads about the benefits of your products and services, as well as the features of your website. Email marketing is also time consuming, but only at the start: you simply need to look for email lists of people who are going to be interested in your products and services, and you only need to tailor an email that will invite people and make them interested.

With this in mind, be reminded that email marketing is not spam. Spam happens when a server randomly sends out email to as many different people as possible, with no regard for how content can help these email recipients. On the other hand, email marketing makes use of third party institutions that actually collect email from people, such as offline banks or insurance companies, online businesses and service providers, and even schools. As long as a contract or information sheet says that the email will be provided to third parties, and the signer agrees, then the email can be shared with other people – including you.

You need to select the best MLM Leads, obviously, who will be interested in your products and services. This means that you will have to do some market research and check out the demographics of your market. Are they young people who like fancy graphics in emails, or not so young persons who want a simple and straightforward email? Are they primarily women who might be more interested in household appliances and things for the garden, or are they primarily men who might like hardware stores and gadgets? What are their interests? What are their goals and dislikes?

These are only a few questions that you might ask before sending out that email. Moreover, use a secure server and a reputable one so that your email does not end up in the trash bin or the spam folder. If you use your mailing methods properly, and if you create a personalized letter that will convince your MLM Leads to buy your products and services, then you can be assured of profit soon enough.

For more information on how to create massive leads for your business please click below:

Info-Products That Could Boost Low Cost Lead Generation:

Creating Info-products that Drive Traffic to a Website:

Low Cost Lead Generation traffic to your website is an issue that we all have to deal with for our websites one day – and it’s not a small issue either. Traffic can spell the continuance or death of a website. A website, after all, will be nothing without prospective MLM Leads, and the more human, living, breathing visitors you have coming to your website, the better it will be for you in the long run. The more that your visitors translate their visits into sales, then the better it will be for you: this is especially true if you are selling products and services exclusively online and need every click to translate into sales.

There are many ways that you can drive Low Cost Lead traffic to your website. People use search engine optimization, or the tinkering and tailoring of website content so that it fits the requirements of major search engines. This requires the work of writers called search engine optimization specialists, who specialize in turning ordinary articles into keyword or key-phrase-dense ones. Once the search engines pick up these keywords and key phrases, they can properly index the site under a word or phrase that an internet user would use to search the site using the search engine.

Other web designers and web developers are more interested in the profit side of web business, and they will usually stop at a single round of search engine optimization. Search engine optimization actually works on multiple rounds, because updates from other sites tend to swallow up old websites, changing rankings constantly. For those who do not update their sites too much, there is affiliate marketing, where web designers or web developers can earn commissions based on clicks of visitors, on advertisements posted on their websites.

Both methods, however, should not be used on their own – in fact, the best web designers and web developers always consult with marketing strategists in order to provide the best service for the client. Web design is not enough to create a useful website: the best websites are those that cater to the needs of its market, which can change constantly. If you are hoping to meet your market’s needs, then why not create informational products, or info-products?

Infoproducts can come in the form of software, graphics, videos, or electronic books. In whatever form or shape they come in, info-products are meant to educate people on different things. Hence, there is tutorial software for potential graphic designers, graphics or photos showing flowcharts that can help students better understand video editing techniques, videos showing how to publish electronically and how to market an electronic book, and electronic books that instruct people how to use a certain software. The list goes on and on and on.

So how can you make an info-product for your website? First of all, look for something that you want to educate your best MLM Leads on. This will help you select the best medium of instruction, whether you should use software, graphics, videos, or electronic books. It will also help you market the info-product, and help you streamline your budget for marketing, whether it be online, offline, or both ways.

Next, look for potential sources for the info-product. Check at your local college or university if you are presenting something academic; many professors are willing to help for a minimal fee, or sometimes even for mere mention. Talk to your friends who are experts in certain topics. When you finally get the text or graphics or video together, get someone to critique it and see if it works.

Marketing and pricing will be entirely up to you. What is important is that you identify something that your MLM Leads need. So ask around, send out emails, or hold a survey amongst your potential market members. Meet their needs, and you will earn.

To learn more strategies for massive traffic please click below:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ad Networks that Can Help You Generate Low Cost Leads to your Website:

The Best Ad networks that Can Help You Drive Traffic to your Site:

Believe it or not, the internet is already a haven for advertisers and advertisements. In the past, most websites came out clean, with only their content and a few graphics or animation for users to use or read through. Today, most websites will have corners or tops, even bottoms and middles, filled with advertisements that may or may not be related to the site content.

Advertising, just as in the brick-and-mortar world, means money and commissions online, so many web designers and web developers care very little for what advertising appears on their sites, as long as they get commissions on clicks.

This is, of course, a hasty generalization that many prudent web designers and web developers will find unfair. However, it can be true for a majority of websites out there whose makers and developers rely heavily on mass network marketing and advertising to make a living.

What can be even more annoying is the fact that sometimes, these advertisements do not appear on the website itself, but come up as pop-up or pop-under windows that can clog a computer’s memory and slow down browsers. Another annoying kind of advertisement is a heavy multimedia ad, such as sounds or video, that can slow a computer down considerably and keep other important pages from loading.

Obviously, such marketing tactics turn people off, and these marketing tactics can drive the best MLM leads away from a website. Most business persons may not be aware of the annoyances caused by such marketing tactics, and perhaps because most businesses use large servers that can filter out ads and take the strain out of browsers no matter how many browser windows are loading.

On the other hand, consumers are getting annoyed, so you need to find ways and means to still post advertisements that they will like, without pushing low cost lead generation traffic away from your website. You may need to join an ad network that will drive MLM lead traffic to your site, and not away from it.

So what are the best ad networks out there? Obviously, again, there are thousands of ad networks, and there are more added and even some disappearing every day. It would be difficult to list the best ad networks here, but it would be possible to tell you what the best ad networks should offer you. This way, when you start looking for an ad network for your site, you will be able to tell which are bogus and which are for real, and you can clearly and realistically estimate your earnings from your ad network membership.

What exactly happens when you join an ad network? Your company will be placed in a network of other companies that have the same goals, and perhaps products and services as yours. All of you will help each other rise by posting ads of each other on each other’s sites. By supporting each other, you give each other the chance to be more visible to people who might want to have more choices in terms of the products and services that you offer. An ad network, therefore, is like one large family with members that are helping each other out.

So what should you look for in an ad network? Longevity is not always an issue: some ad networks have been there for a while simply because they have lots of members, but the earnings might be minimal. You may want to look at the member sites of an ad network: judge the websites, look at the goals and missions, and see if they align with yours. If you want to join this family, will you allow your ads to be posted on their sites? Would you like to be affiliated with these sites?

If your answer is yes, then join the ad network. You only need a few clicks to prosper, but be sure that you are in good, reputable company before you start working your ad network membership out.

Please click below for more stategies on how to generate low cost leads.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Advanced Methods To Generate Low Cost Leads To Your Website:

Advanced Methods to Drive Traffic Your Website:

With the thousands of websites now on the Internet, it is not difficult to imagine why low cost lead generation traffic is such an important issue for online marketing experts. Website traffic, at its simplest, means that people go regularly to your site – and by this, we mean unique, human, living and breathing visitors, not just search engine robots (which, of course, count for visitors on many tallies).

Another dimension of Low cost lead generation traffic includes the duration of stay of visitors on a site. Some people will stay on a site for a few seconds, then click away from it because it is not attractive or useful enough, or even because it is difficult to navigate or confusing to look at. Other people will stay on a site for hours, and for many different reasons: a site’s contents can be extremely useful, its navigation can be intuitive and easy to decipher, and the site itself is friendly to visitors and entertaining or engaging to readers. In order to make your site all these, and to generate low cost lead traffic to your website, you will need to employ many different methods, both site and traffic wise.

First of all, you need to know the power of the two major bigwigs that ensure internet surfing ease today: the taggers and the search engines. Taggers are actual humans: they are your average internet users who access digg and stumbleupon, who look at social networks, and who are immersed well enough in the universe of the internet so that they know the likes, dislikes, whims, desires, and quirks of the members of the web world.

In order to prosper online, you need to catch the attention of these taggers. First of all, start making yourself visible in social tagging networks. Digg and stumbleupon are only the two major players; try to network as well in larger places such as FaceBook, MySpace, Multiply, or Friendster, or anywhere where people congregate and exchange ideas and links. When fashioning your profile in these networks, always include the URL of your website, and maintain a simple blog that either links to your main blog, or has useful articles that will make people go to your main URL.

The other major players are the search engines. Search engines index your site under certain keywords or key phrases, and through the help of crawling and indexing software called spiders or robots. Such software will pick up keywords and key phrases from the text content of your site, and will place your site under the listings for these keywords and key phrases if the keywords and key phrases appear at a certain density. When users search for these keywords and key phrases in the search engine, then your site will appear at a certain ranking, depending on your popularity.

Take note of the fact that it is your site text content that is considered when determining your indexing status, not your graphics. Search engines crawl only through text, so you may want to put your important information in text, not graphics, such as animation or videos. If you have important animation or videos, then places descriptions for such files so that the search engines can still recognize the presence of such multimedia. You also need to take note that not all your users will be patient enough to wait for large graphics and multimedia files to download, so you may want to take advantage of text and place all important information on immediately.

There are also advertisement networks that you can join in order to make your site more visible, but you need to take care of your website first to ensure that low cost lead generation traffic is directed again and again onto your online home.

To Learn more please click below:

Monday, July 19, 2010

How Does Social Networking Generate Low Cost Leads?

Social Networking Sites:

Okay, so you probably know MySpace and Facebook. But did you know that there are numerous other social networking sites that you can use for network marketing, expanding your friends list and generate low cost lead traffic flying to your site? Furthermore, there is one social networking site that very few people know about but is currently making a splash in the internet?

Using social networking sites for your Multi Level Marketing Leads and website promotion is actually a natural progression, considering all the possibilities provided by these resources. From small, exclusive friends and acquaintances only' sites, social networking sites have grown in size and influence, becoming highly visible platforms for communications, information and even profit.

What Are Social Networking Sites?

Even if you're new to the most popular activities on the internet, you've probably heard about social networking sites. These sites are basically virtual clubs in the world wide web that people can join, add their profile, extend their invitations for friendships, or Multi Level Marketing Leads, and personal relationships and communicate. Social networking sites have also become the showground with which people express their individualities and proclaim their beliefs and opinions. They are probably the new cure for agoraphobics.

Consider a social networking site as one massive house party where the invitation has been extended to everyone. You'll find plenty of personalities here – people looking for genuine friendships, businessmen looking to expand their network marketing leads, self-proclaimed pundits of change, even the occasional unsavory character.

Your friend, sibling, neighbor, spouse, high school classmate, barber, maybe even your boss could be a member of these sites. It's really just a matter of time before you find out yourself.

Why Social Networking Sites?

Social networking sites function mainly to facilitate communication between individuals. One person who wishes to meet others can join in and earn more friends and acquaintances. For some people, social networking sites are just part of an ego trip – a way to be noticed, to stand out, be wanted and admired.

However, by their very nature, social networking sites are also excellent platforms for Multi-level marketing leads which can turn into business relationships. In fact, thousands of web entrepreneurs use these sites to promote their Multi Level Marketing Leads, boost their marketing campaigns, recruit their members and subscribers and even snoop around for some industry insider gossip.

Social networking sites are driven by technology that makes it a lot easier for website owners and internet marketers to conduct their Multi-level marketing business in a manner that is fast, efficient, effective and cost-friendly. The most popular social networking sites offer their services for free, a fact that its members take advantage of. And there's no sign that this strategy for Low Cost Lead Generation hosting is going to change anytime in the near future.

The Secret Social Networking site?

If you can name just five social networking sites, you've greatly underestimated the power of the internet. There are dozens of social networking sites (established, semi-established and new kids on the block) that you can use to market your Multi-Level Marketing business to and send massive low cost lead generation traffic to your own website.

Furthermore, there's one social networking site that has remained as one of the best kept secrets of many clever and enterprising individuals. Want to learn about this site? CLICK BELOW to learn my strategies for building your online MLM Business.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Low Cost Lead Generation Using Social Networking Sites:

Send Traffic to Your Website Using Social Networking Sites:

Marketing using social media is nothing new. Businessmen all over the world have been doing this for decades. However, it was only after the advent of social networking websites that the virtually limitless possibilities of these sites were realized. After all, these sites naturally catered to people – lots of them. Are you ready to generate low cost lead traffic to your site using social networking sites? Here are steps you should take:

Join and Become an Active Member:

Don’t expect to use the Low cost lead traffic coming from social networking sites and just sit in the corner passively. If you want to get traffic from these sites, you have to be ready to participate. There's no reason to be hesitant. These sites are composed of very active communities and you'll love the dynamics here. Once you start, you'll enjoy it so much you'll find it's almost like second nature to you.

Spruce up your Profile Page:

Your profile page will say a lot about you and your MLM business you run. Try to tailor your profile page to the type of website you have.

If you have other social network memberships, use your profile page to link with your other social profiles. Do the same for sites and projects you might have. This lets you take advantage of the traffic clicking on your profile page and promote your website at the same time. This also lets you win more friends.

Start Building Relationships:

Got friends and colleagues who are members of social networking sites? There's your first batch of low cost lead traffic for your website. Invite these friends and then begin expanding from there.

Adding friends to your network is important for several reasons – you get to become a familiar face or personality, you have a core group of people you can rely on for promotions and campaigns such as viral marketing and you get a good number who will happily visit your website and become part of your regular low cost lead traffic.

To take advantage of social networking sites, begin making friends. Look for members who can share interests related to your site or business. Majority of people who join social networking sites are friendly anyway so you can start sending them reminders each time you have a write-up or story.

Utilize Bulletins:

Once you've gotten a good list of new friends, you'll probably have more reasons to use your bulletins. However, try not to advertise your site too much here. People go to bulletins to talk, share views and opinions and basically just to have fun. If you must use your bulletin to try to send your low cost lead traffic to your site, use it sparingly, like once a month or so.

Keep Things Simple:

Not everyone on your friends list will appreciate your sending them shouts every other day. Sometimes being too enthusiastic can backfire. Worse, it can make you look like a spammer, something you don’t want to happen considering how people dislike them.

When using social networking sites, make it a priority to make friends and do business later. Hey, even seasoned businessmen first shake hands and make small talk before getting down to business. Your goal in using social networking sites is to build strong, reliable relationships, not to annoy and bore people. Let them have fun and they'll be more willing to follow you where you go.

Using Social Networking Sites:

If you're still not confident about using social networking sites, try to learn more using resources such as 'Videos', the video tutorial presented by The Barking Videos. You'll find advice on how to use social networking sites such as MySpace and send low cost lead traffic to your website in no time. It's not the kind of task that will change your site overnight but it can help you improve your chances.

To learn more strategies for Low cost lead generation please CLICK BELOW LINK:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Generate Low Cost Leads by Using Videos:

Tips for Using Videos to Send Low Cost Lead Traffic to Your Site:

If you still doubt that videos can improve your site's traffic, you've probably never heard of YouTube. That site was single handedly built, sustained and made popular by loads of videos. In fact, some of the most well-known videos were first seen here, launching careers and personalities within a short span of time. Not only that, some of the biggest companies in the world, such as Coca-Cola, General Motors and Cisco Systems make use of videos in their websites. Don’t miss out on this terrific opportunity. Here are tips on how to use videos to generate low cost lead traffic to your site:

Have a Good Story Line:

It all rests on the core of your video's purpose. What's in it, anyway? Something about your website or MLM business may keep you up all night due to excitement, but it might bore half of the world's population. This is why you should be careful about the kind of material you will be using for video marketing.

Find a topic you know and understand, something that you can relate to your website or MLM business. How you make the video will of course depend on what you're trying to promote. Write a short outline on how the video will progress, what you will present in it, what you will say, how it will end, etc.

Be Prepared to Edit:

Don’t hire someone else to do this for you. Edit the video yourself using video editing software already on board your computer. Video editing software allows you to cut and splice scenes, add texts, colors and side effects, along with background music and spoken narration.

Try to keep the video complete but as short as possible. Two to three minutes' worth of video should be enough and if you could manage a minute, that's even better. If the video is longer, say 5 to 7 minutes, it better be worth it.

Remember that you will have to compete with hundreds of thousands of other videos on one site alone. Since most people have a short attention span to view your material, make sure your video is appealing and short enough to be noticed.

Advertise your Site on the Video:

Make sure to insert your website address or URL within the video itself. Better yet, you could embed a link in an icon or logo that will appear in the video that viewers can click to to arrive at your site.

The logic here is quite simple: popular sites are more likely to be visited by the best MLM Leads, so your video has a better chance of gaining better exposure. Although nothing should stop you from sending your videos to every site you find, there are some sites will not generate as much low cost lead traffic to you as others. Choose carefully, making sure that your submissions are strategic to maximize your efforts.

Use Tags for your Video:

Tags function like keywords, in that they help categorize or index your video. If you have a fishing site, for example, and your video is about fishing, use tags such as 'fishing', 'salmon fishing', 'fishing gear', etc. People who will search for items related to fishing are bound to come across this video and go to your site.

Using videos for marketing and to generate low cost lead traffic to your site is a proven method, provided you use it well. Find out more about the essential components a successful video has from 'Videos', the 12th in a series presented by Learn the ways you can present an idea, what to include in your shoot and how to use the numerous free resources on the web to produce videos that will send traffic to your site and build your online reputation.

To learn more about Generating Leads through different strategies, please CLICK HERE:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How To use Squidoo to Generate Low Cost Leads to Your Website:

Do You Squidoo?

How to Use This Free Resource to Send Low Cost Lead Generation Traffic to Your Site:

How would you like to be able to send low cost lead generation traffic to your website, enjoy the surge in the number of hits you get and benefit from your new-found popularity? Sounds promising? It is. Simply use a website with a funny sounding name and you'll be on the right track. That's right – it you want to be able to increase the number of MLM leads who find their way to your website, use Squidoo.

What's Squidoo?

Squidoo ( is a free Web 2.0 site on the internet that allows anyone to create their own pages. That means you can build your own little world focusing on any subject you want in a thriving community. You not only get a free site to promote yourself, you also do it using a platform that has a strong following. In terms of presence, Squidoo can assure you that as long as you produce quality work, there's no reason why you should not be able to maximize your presence there and attract the best mlm leads.

Because of its popularity with millions of visitors, Squidoo is being used by many internet marketers, bloggers, e-businessmen and website owners to supplement their existing websites. This is because many of the web pages which in Squidoo regularly make impressive appearances in search engine rankings, seriously competing with other more established, reputable, stand-alone sites.

How to use Squidoo to Send The Best MLM Lead Traffic to your Site:

Squidoo web pages are called lenses and they're quite easy to create, since they don’t require special technical knowledge or skills. You can set up your own website in a matter of minutes, while making use of built-in resources and modules.

There are two ways you can make use of Squidoo and begin sending the best MLM Lead traffic to your site. One is by finding a niche appropriate to your business and two, creating your very own lens. Once you've set up your web page, you can launch it and go live right away. However, don’t take your presence here for granted. Here are a few things you should remember when setting up your Squidoo web page:

Use Quality Content:

Visitors to Squidoo regularly drop by to search for great content. Make sure yours is up to the standard. Squidoo is also a site that can offer you quality traffic, which would be a waste if you can't provide top quality content people will want to read.

Remember that Squidoo visitors come here with a purpose and that is to learn more, find out more and promote more. If your web page can offer content that site visitors find relevant, fresh and useful, they'll follow the links that lead to your site and become part of your MLM Lead traffic. Furthermore, they'll also keep coming back for a visit over and over again.

Don’t be Shy about Promoting:

You can use Squidoo modules to provide RSS feeds. Update your content regularly and your Squidoo lens will present these to your site visitors along with the title. You can also link up from there, so your visitors will find you each time.

Another great function of a Squidoo module is that it can be used for promoting or building your own affiliate program. Run your affiliate links from your Squidoo page and you can lead anyone who wishes to join your website. Imagine the MLM Lead traffic that will get sent your way by your Squidoo connection if you launch this.

If you want to use a resource that can send the best MLM Lead traffic to your website without costing you a cent, use Squidoo. Learn how to optimize this free service with 'Squidoo', the 11th in the series of video tutorials from This is an excellent tool to help you use the right methods and take advantage of the available traffic that could translate to website popularity later on.

To learn more about Low Cost Lead Generation, please CLICK BELOW:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Use StumbleUpon For Massive Low Cost Lead Generation Traffic To Your Website:

How to Use StumbleUpon to Send Massive Low Cost Lead Generation Traffic to Your Website:

StumbleUpon is similar to social bookmarking sites whose presence has been so ubiquitous in the internet for the past few years. StumbleUpon has been the method of choice for many site visitors to rate a website and give it an approval technique that's been tried and tested for centuries – the thumbs up and the thumbs down. However, it has also become a means with which website owners promote content from their sites and in the process, give their site the much needed boost. This makes StumbleUpon an important resource for many website owners.

How does StumbleUpon work ?

StumbleUpon is based on a very simple and basic concept actually. Remember those times when you came across a really great thing and you told people about it? You always said, 'You know this really great power drill I stumbled upon in a garage sale? It works great!' And then you go on to talk about its amazing features. StumbleUpon is like that – you find a great thing and spread the news.

Anyone who uses StumbleUpon does not need to make a listing of all the best and most popular write-ups they find. Instead, they give a story the Thumbs Up for approval and the Thumbs Down for rejection.

Using this method, visitors can tell other people what they think about an article, in plain black and white. StumbleUpon also allows visitors to view only those sites that they find relevant, depending on what they prefer.

Web Traffic from StumbleUpon:

StumbleUpon does not produce a surge of Low Cost Lead Generation traffic like Digg and With these two bookmarking sites, a really great story can earn thousands of visits or hits in just a short span of time. With StumbleUpon, you'll probably get traffic in the hundreds, only it gets sent your way more consistently, not in surges.

Don’t let the numbers fool you, though. Although relatively small, they can be quite significant, particularly because they can extend for a longer period of time.

How can StumbleUpon work for you?

StumbleUpon is a community, more than anything. So whatever it is you do, you'll find others who do a similar thing. It's like one happy village, with users who have similar interests and goals.

To use StumbleUpon, you need to be involved actively in this community. Participate in the website ratings by reading stories and giving them a Thumbs Up or a Thumbs Down. When your turn comes, you simply have to download the toolbar, submit your web pages to the site and allow others to start viewing and rating it.

Once you have submitted your web page to StumbleUpon, you only have to choose a category for it, write a description for your site and tag it using keywords. It will then be included in a database.

What's great about StumbleUpon is that users don’t need to use a search engine in order to look for specific topics or subjects. By tagging an interest and channel surfing, they will be directed to sites that are related to their preferences. They can then share their preferences to others.

Learning more about StumbleUpon:

StumbleUpon is an incredibly easy and efficient means with which to improve your web standing by sending traffic to your site. Want StumbleUpon to work for you? Learn more from's 'Stumble Upon', an excellent tutorial that details the tips and industry secrets used by many of the most successful site owners in the internet today. Use these techniques and optimize your StumbleUpon presence today.

To learn more strategies on how to generate low cost leads please CLICK BELOW LINK:

Friday, July 9, 2010

RSS Feeds For Massive Low Cost Lead Generation:

RSS: What It Can Do to Send Traffic to Your Site:

Can you use RSS to send traffic to your site? Definitely! RSS has become the format of choice in terms of news and article delivery. It is also changing the way we view web content, as more and more publishers and website owners are using RSS to syndicate content. Furthermore, it's also a way for people who regularly go online to stay current and informed. Informed people become your best MLM Leads down the road.

What is RSS?

RSS is a group of Web-feed formats that are used online to post or publish content, particularly those that are regularly updated. These include podcasts, blogs and news. The RSS document itself is called a feed or channel. Depending on the source, a feed can be a full text or just a summary.

RSS makes it possible for your MLM Leads, who visit certain sites regularly to subscribe to a feed. That way, they get updates immediately, without the need to actively seek out the new entries on their own.

RSS feeds may be read with the use of an RSS reader or aggregator, software especially designed to process the content.

Using RSS to Obtain Web Traffic:

It's not rocket science but using RSS to send Low cost lead generation traffic to your website will require a few strategies and some effort. However, all that hard work can be translated into website popularity, a high volume of traffic and even profitability. Consider these factors to ensure that you'll be able to utilize this tool successfully:

Fresh, Updated Content:

RSS exists for the sole purpose of updating regular visitors. Don’t use this tool if you can't produce new content or stories on a regular basis. If you're the type who blogs once a month, for example, RSS isn’t the right vehicle for you.

Visitors who subscribe to an RSS feed do so because they want the latest. They'll appreciate the new stuff you post online, particularly if it's not some rehashed topic you've already written about the week before.


This is a simple matter of having your RSS feeds appear on other people's websites and still get backlinks to your site. Syndicating your feed will require a few technicalities but the use of software will fix that easily.

An advantage to syndication is that you are not limited to having your stories appear on only one site. With syndication, you can link with multiple websites and make use of the traffic already inherent in that site.

Let's Put the Word Out There for your RSS feed:

We suggest you go with the most popular indexing sites, such as Google Reader and MyYahoo! Once you submit your RSS post to these sites, they will send electronic crawls to check your site or blog for updates. Check with Google and Yahoo! for a guide on how to start submitting your posts.

You can also sign up for a membership with RSS service sites such as Delicious, Digg, Netscape and Reddit. It's not a matter of choosing which of these sites to join because you'll want to ensure you send your posts to all of them.

You'll expose your post to more people that way and send a higher volume of low cost lead generation traffic to your site. If you post in only one or two, you will be limiting yourself needlessly.

As you can see, RSS has the potential to give you serious web traffic, provided you use it correctly. If you want to learn more about specific techniques, go and get 'The Barking Video #9: RSS' from You'll find all you need to know to use RSS to send traffic to your site and avoid common mistakes regarding the use of this wonderful tool.

To learn more strategies, for low cost lead generation please CLICK BELOW:

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Using HTML Code Can Be Beneficial in Generating Low Cost Leads:

Ways to Use HTML to Make an Impact on Search Engines:

The way you use HTML in your web pages affects your standing in the search engines. Search engines are like the casting directors to a potentially lucrative movie production – they approve whether you appear in the listings or not. If you're not careful about using HTML, you might just miss getting cast yourself. Make your appearance by learning how to write HTML pages in a way that search engines will love. By using HTML correctly, it will enable you to attract low cost leads and generate traffic to your website.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you:

Learn the Language:

If you don’t know HTML yet, you better learn it now. This is the language of the internet, the very foundation upon which millions of websites rest. Without HTML, it would be difficult indeed to create and view websites the way we do today. Thanks to this language, we can read text the way we would from a book, navigate the world wide web without losing our way due to too many codes and even convert a simple link to a whole new webpage. By generating traffic to your website you will attract the best MLM leads.

You don’t have to be an expert at it – just make sure you know basic HTML. That way, you'll understand how tiny changes in the letters and symbols that make up a code can make a huge difference in how a web page appears.

Know your Search Engines:

Search engines rank websites differently so you might want to know their methods if you want to adjust your site's structure accordingly. Google, still the most popular search engine in use today, uses 'spiders' that 'crawl' into a website to check for keyword relevance and density. Google also ranks sites according to the number (and quality) of other sites that are linked to it. Use keywords specifically to your topic to generate low cost leads.

There are also search engines that use spiders exclusively, which categorize websites depending on what they find. Some search engines use actual manpower (that's real humans, folks) to rank sites while others, such as pay-for-placement-sites, will work on your ranking based on what you'll pay them.

Take a Look at your Meta-Title:

Most search engines rank websites depending on their headings. Make sure that your meta-title includes your main keywords. Search engines love website headings that point directly to the site. It's like someone putting up a sign that says, 'Doctor who handles eyes, ears, nose and throat problems' instead of just 'Doctor.'

Don’t use Dynamic URLs:

Dynamic URL's use HTTP GET variables. When search engines send out their spiders to look for websites to assess, they tend to avoid or ignore those sites with this type of URL. Use URLs that contain your keywords instead. It's also a good idea to use keywords for your directories and files because your keyword density increases. You will also appear more frequently in search engines should someone use your keywords to look for something.

Learn to Compare:

Imitation is the greatest flattery so other websites won't mind if you check them out in order to improve your own site. Try to compare your site with another website in the same category or subject. Click the 'View' button on the browser to view the source code. If you understand HTML by now, you'll see why this website rocks the search engines and why yours doesn’t.

Using HTML in a way that search engines love can be complicated for some people. To make sure you're not left scratching your head, learn more. Use a reference such as 'On Page SEO', a Barking Videos presentation that teaches newbies and experienced website owners the art of manipulating HTML codes in your web pages in order to produce a more relevant website. Don’t let the concept intimidate you because once you understand the basics of this language, your website will be on its way to becoming a star that search engines will readily recognize.

To learn more about low cost lead generation CLICK BELOW:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Drive Traffic By Using Low Cost Lead Generation:

How To Use A Tell A Friend Script To Drive Traffic Today:

More and more webmasters have the recurring dilemma on how to increase the flow of traffic bygenerating low cost leads to their websites. During the past few years many methods that been developed to solve this predicament. While most of them would work there are those that would not make even a small impact.

One of the methods that have spawned many success stories in driving low cost lead traffic into websites is viral marketing. Viral marketing makes use of the tendency of a person to share something to find informative, entertaining or amazing.

Many companies bank on this behavior to spread their products and increase the popularity of their Multi-level marketing company, or their website. Viral marketing makes use of many mediums in enticing this behavior. It might be in the form of an interesting story, an addicting flash game, an amusing video and many others that may catch a person’s fancy.

This ingenious form of marketing is typically is a low cost lead generator, and is a wonderful tool for any MLM business to utilize. The benefit greatly overshadows the cost or efforts to initialize this marketing scheme. Any website would greatly benefit that viral marketing.

Tell A Friend Script:

One of the easiest methods in viral marketing is using a tell a friend script. This is a simple programming script that you can attach to the programming of your website. Generally, tell a friends script are installed in pages where a media is placed so that a person can easily send the media to any of his friends or his family members.

The basic concept of a tell a friend script is a script wherein a person may input his name, e-mail address, the recipient’s e-mail address and send the media to the intended recipient much like an e-mail with an attachment. As the recipient receives the e-mail he wouldn’t think of the mail a spam mail because he would see the sender’s name as someone he or she knows and trust.

Tell a friend script eliminates greatly the chances of being blocked because they use the information inputted by the sender. This allows for wider spreading of this marketing method. It can be quite sneaky but it is very effective.

With the e-mail sent and opened the sent media will either be read, viewed or played. Also along with the mail would be a brief description of the Multi-level company or site that sponsors the media sent. This allows for the introduction of either the site, MLM business or its products. Along with it is another tell a friend script.

Then the process begins again. As more people use the tell a friend script, more and more people will know of the existence of the sponsoring MLM business or site. People who read the ads inside the mail who liked what they see would go and click on the link and visit the site. This drives traffic into the site resulting to great number of potential customers.

Tell A Friend Script Availability:

A tell a friend script is very simple and does not require a complicated method of programming. In fact, you can copy paste a script and simply put it on an intended page. Finding one is even simpler. All you have to do is go to a search engine and type in the search box “tell a friend script” then press enter or click go.

In the search results page you will see many links that will direct you to a site where you can get a tell a friend script. It would just be a simple matter of looking and searching for the script and copying it to your intended web page.

With a tell a friend script viral marketing strategy you can drive traffic into your site which could potentially spell profits. This is a simple harmless script that offers great benefits for low cost lead generation, paired with great creativity and foresight.

It is imperative that you have patience in using a tell a friend script. If your chosen media doesn’t get the mileage that is expected of it, it may take some time before it gets spread or shared. But surely many people will see your ads and there is great probability that they will visit your site increasing your low cost lead generation traffic flow.

For more low cost lead generation strategies please CLICK HERE: