Monday, August 24, 2009

Raw Food Lifestyle

I just met a fasinating woman this morning named Jennifer Cornbleet,
and she goes into detail why eating raw food is so nutritious and healthy
for you. I would like to share her thoughts with you. HERE:

Why Eat Raw Foods...

Everyone knows it is healthy to eat fresh, uncooked fruits and vegetables

everyday. That isn't a new concept. A raw food diet simply says that these

foods should be most of what we eat.


Vitamins and micro-nutrients

Most vitamins and othe micro-nutrients are damaged or destroyed at

temperatures above 130 degrees. Many of these newly discovered micro-

nutrients are thought to help prevent cancer and other diseases. Eating lots

of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables will increase the vitamins and micro-

nutrients in your diet.


Enzymes are the most heat sensitive of all nutrients, and are damaged or

destroyed at temperatures above 118 degrees. Raw fruits, vegetables,

nuts, and seeds contain the necessary enzymes to complete the digestion

process. Enzymes in your food aid the digestion of that food, and when

they are absent, the body must work harder on digestion.


Our bodies are 70% water. Fruits and vegetables are rich in pure water, and

consuming a water-rich diet will keep you well hydrated.

The Good Fats

Natural fats are very sensitive to heat (think of avocadoes and flaxseed oil).

Heated and processed fats no longer have antioxidant qualities and can be

carcinogenic. Cooked fats are also sticky (think of a lasagna pan), which

can cause blockages in the arteries and digestive tract, inhibit the absorption

of nutrients, and reduct the body's ability to transport oxygen.

Good Elimination

The soft, soluble fiber in fruits and tender green vegetables keeps you


Proper acid-alkaline balance

Processed foods, cooked food diets, pollution, and stress leave most people

too acidic, which prevents optimal immune system functions, and leaches

alkaline minerals from the body. Fruits and vegetables help keep you




Fruits are very good for elimination, and are alkalizing. Fruits have the highest

percent of vitamins per calorie of any class of foods. When you eat fruit, you

you get an instant message from the brain that your blood sugar levels are rising,

which help regulate appetite, so you know when to stop eating. Eating fruit also

reduces cravings for sweets after meals. If blood sugar ups and downs from

fruit are a concern to you, avoid fruit juices, dried fruits, and overeating sweet



Vegetables have the highest percentage of minerals per calorie of any class of

foods. Emphasize the easy to digest greens and vegetables, such as lettuces,

celery, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, summer squash, red peppers, and

green, leafy sprouts. Dark greens and cruciferous vegetables, such as kale,

collards, cabbage, and broccoli are very nutritious (rich in protein and minerals),

but can be harder to digest. Try shredding them finely, or taking them as juices

or blended soups at first, as you gradually adapt to eating more raw vegetables.

You can also use dehydrated greens, grasses, and algae powders as supplements,

especially while traveling.


Nuts and seeds contain protein and good fats. Fatty fruits and their oils, such

as avocado, olives, olive oil, and young coconut (though technically a seed),

are also, rich in good fats. Most nuts and seeds, particularly nuts, are acid

forming, so use them in moderation, and combine them with plenty of

alkalizing greens or vegetables. For increased digestibility, soak your nuts

and seeds overnight before using. Too much fat (even the good fats)

can cause digestive problems and weight gain. Make sure you are emphasing

fruits and vegetables, not fats.


Spirulina, chlorella, and Klamath-Lake algaes may be used as nutritious

whole food supplements between or with meals. They are high in protein,

vitamin A, iron and cholorophyll. Make sure that you buy algae that has

been dried at a low temperature or flash-frozen, to preserve nutrients and



Protein can be found in all natural foods. Vegetables and fruits taken

together have about 15% of their calories as protein. Nuts, seeds, dark

leafy grees and vegetables, sprouts, algae, (and for non-vegetarians, lean

animal protein) can be added to the diet for increased protein.


After a big, complex meal most of the body's blood goes to the digestive

process, and there in not enough oxygen for the brain or muscles (which

is why you fall asleep after a big meal). If in the system too long, sugars

and starches can ferment, and proteins can putrefy. In contrast, fruits,

and vegetables, mostly water, take a short time in the digestive tract.

Correct food combinations encourage proper digestion, assimilation, and

elimination of each food eaten.

  • Eat fruit alone

  • Don't combine protein and starch (such as "meat and potatoes")

  • Don't eat more than one high-protein food or starch per meal

  • Take liquids between meals, not with meals.


The easiest way to lose excess fat is to eat low-calorie foods. Raw greens

and vegetables have the lowest calories per bite of any food. Fruits are the

second lowest, and they give satiation because they raise blood sugar and reduce

appetite. Vigorous exercise is also important for weight loss.

If you wish to gain weight, this is best done by gaining muscle through strength

and resistance workouts. The added calories needed for such training can be easily

obtained through additional sweet fruits, nuts, seeds, and avocados.

Jennifer was kind enough to provide us a yummy dessert, I would like to share

with you.


2 cups Cashew Butter

2/3 Cup of Raw Agave or Maple Syrup

1 TBSP Raw Coconut Oil Melted

2 tsps. of Vanilla extract

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup raw cashews chopped

Place the cashew butter, raw agave, coconut oil, vanilla extract, salt,

in a food processor and process until smooth. Add the cashews and

pulse just until mixed. Press the mixture into a 8 inch glass dish. Place in

the freezer for at least 2 hours before serving. Cut into squares.

Blondie Cashew Freezer Fudge will store for 3 months in the freezer.


  1. Sounds delicious!!!mmmmmmmm

  2. You really know your raw food diet! You're so good at this. Keep 'em coming!

  3. Great ideas! Most of us are raised with poor eating habits, we just need to change.

    Thanks for all of the excellant informantion.

  4. Richman:

    I totally agree with you, that, we were raised with poor eating habits. When we would cry as little children that we were hungry, our mothers would give us candy to satiate us.
    It became a bad habit, and it is very hard to break a lifetime of bad eating habits.


Leave me a comment. I am excited to get to know you.