Keep your family in tip-top shape with these tasty, healthy foods.
GO FISH! Fish are a great source of many healthy protecting nutrients and oils. Explore varieties of fish and discover great tasting, healthful recipes. “When chosen carefully, fish is an excellent source of protein, with much less fat and cholesterol than lean meat.” Q. How healthy is fish?A. Fish is a great source of lean protein and one of the best ways to get a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, those good fats that protect your heart, support your brain, and keep your cells healthy. However, since our oceans and rivers are not as clean as they once were, not all fish is equally healthy. The tips in this article will help you make safe and healthy seafood choices. Fish is a great source of lean protein and one of the best ways to get a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, those good fats that protect your heart, support your brain, and keep your cells healthy. However, since our oceans and rivers are not as clean as they once were, not all fish is equally healthy. The tips in this article will help you make safe and healthful seafood choices.Q. Should I buy wild fish or farmed fish? A. This is a complex question. The demand for seafood has encouraged many fisheries to catch more fish than our waters can sustainably produce, resulting in diminishing fish stocks and damage to the ecosystem. For that reason, fish farming seems a logical solution. However, not all farmed fish are thought to be healthy. For example, farmed salmon has been shown to contain chemical pollutants. On the other hand, farm-raised trout, catfish, shrimp, striped bass, sturgeon, Artic char, and flounder are healthy and sustainable choicesQ. Should I buy wild fish or farmed fish? The demand for seafood has encouraged many fisheries to catch more fish than our waters can sustainably produce, resulting in diminishing fish stocks and damage to the ecosystem. For that reason, fish farming seems a logical solution. However, not all farmed fish are thought to be healthy. For example, farmed salmon has been shown to contain chemical pollutants. On the other hand, farm-raised trout, catfish, shrimp, striped bass, sturgeon, Artic char, and flounder are healthy and sustainable choices. To help you make educated choices, ask your seafood supplier where the fish came from and how it was caught. Q. How do I select seafood? A. When chosen carefully, fish is an excellent source of protein, with much less fat and cholesterol than lean meat. Plus, fish is loaded with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease, lower high cholesterol, ease arthritis, and improve mood. Follow these tips when shopping for fish:
Q. What looks good?
GRAINS: Discover the nearly endless ways you can prepare grains: as side dishes, in casseroles, soups, stews, and salads, breads, and more. I do not recommend wheat, corn, rye, or any white flour products. Wheat, corn and rye, are heavily concentrated with dangerous levels of mico-toxins and eatin in heavy quantities, can result in the manifestation of certain diseases. Work more healthy and nutritious veggies into your family’s diet with tips on buying and storing, along with delicious, kid-friendly recipes. To me this is the most important food category there is. Be sure to wash all produce well, when you bring it home, a good veggie wash is also very helpful, if you cannot afford organic.
FRUITS: Sweet tangy and tasty! Fruits are an important part of any healthy diet. Discover new types of fruit along with great recipes. I have not included meats, or poultry in the healthy category, unless it is organic, again there are too many unhealthy mico-toxins, pesticides, and hormones that are injected into meat that can cause undesirable efffects on a healthy lifestyle. If you are a meat or poultry eater, try to opt for organic grass fed products. These cost a bit more, but in the long run it is a better choice. I hope this has educated you on healthy lifestyle choices. The shopping list is endless, and you need never get bored with a healthy lifestyle. Majority of this blog came from this website: |
Awesome info, great ideas and knowledge of how to select fish etc. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.