Monday, August 31, 2009

Transfer Factors and Immunity

I was speaking to a good friend just the other day, and she told me that she started taking Transfer Factor during her pregancy, and neither she or her newborn daughter have been sick since she gave birth. She is very confident that her immune system is strong enough that her body can over come the N1H1 virus this coming fall.

Here is an overview about Transfer Factor and why it is so powerful.

Immune System Basic:

Your immune system has three primary functions: first to recognize bodily
intruders, second to wage an effective attack, and third to remember
invaders when they return.

Although this may not be "news", what hasn't been widely reported is that
a molecule called transfer factor (TF) is responsible for storing the
information our immune system uses to perform these functions.

"Transfer Factor= Immune System "Intelligence":

Transfer Factor isn't a vitamin, mineral, or herb, but a molecule that forms
the core of your immune system's intelligence network by storing information
about previous immune system encounters with bacteria, viruses and the

However, studies indicate that transfer factor does much more than simply
"remember" our immune system experiences. It also provides stategic
information about how to best handle the pathogens we encounter by
stimulating NK (natural killer) cell activity.

Similar to the genetic code stored in the DNA molecule, the transfer factor
molecule provides your immune system with the information it needs to:

1. Identify a problem,
2. Balance your body's response, and
3. Accelerate positive immune functioning.

Oral Consumption: Delivery

Transfer factor science has come a long way since its intravenous beginning.
In the 1980's it was discovered that transfer factor is orally transmissible,
which makes sense because it's passed from mother to child through
colostrum, mother's first milk. A wide range of studies conducted over
the past two decades now underscore the efficacy of orally consumed
transfer factor.

Please listen to an audio giving a testimonial on TF and her children HERE:

Friday, August 28, 2009

Recession Proof Your Income Now

Thinking about a home based business but are not quite sure if you should
invest money right now? I found an article I would like to share with
you that gives an honest clear understanding of why now is the time to
own your own business and work from home. HERE:

Home Business Opportunity is a highly searched keyword term on Google
and the other search engines due in part to the current economic climate.
The global economic slowdown has made all of us fully aware of the
impact that a recession has on everyone's job security. Many companies
have gone bankrupt and closed down as a result of poor management,
management greed and economic impaction. Companies are being
forced to make employee salary cuts, downsize their business functions
or similar adjustments just to stay in business. Due to there real and/or
perceived job losses, many people are giving serious consideration to
starting their own home business opportunity.


Most individuals prefer to work for large organizations with good
employment benefits rather than take the risk of owning their
own business where their financial success of failure is their
personal responsibility. However, due to the huge employment
deficit as a result of the recession, there are very few jobs or
positions available so people are being forced to be more creative
and enterprising in finding employment. Now more than ever,
hundreds of thousands of individuals are exploring home based
business opportunities as a means of resolving their financial

However, there is a constant fear in most everyone's minds. Is this
the right time for them to commit their cash reserves to starting a
business? This is the big question that lurks in their minds based on
current economic status. After all, they may need that money for
family matters. Additionally, they are fearful of starting a business
that requires expertise and physical capabilities outside of their
comfort level. This hesitancy and self doubt will prevent many
capable individuals from taking the risk of setting up a business and
could prevent them from being financially successful in life.


While many qualified and capable individuals are reluctant to start a
home business, the economic slowdown is the perfect time to start
a business venture. There are hundreds of success stories about
businesses which were started during previous economic slowdowns.
The most critical personal trait that is required of anyone starting a
business is a strong positive mental attitude. "If you think you can,
you can, "If you think that you can't, you can't. You will be right with
either decision. It's your mental attitude that makes the difference
between success and failure. With a positive attitude, you can use
adversity in your favor. Don't let the recession stop you from success.
It is a decision that you could resent for the rest of your life.


Most people hesitate and are reluctant to move outside of their comfort
level for any reason. For example, someone that has worked in a
corporate sector for a long time would normally not consider starting
a home business during normal economic conditions. However, when
their job is either lost or in jeopordy of being lost, they are forced to
consider other alternatives to support their lifestyles. With the loss of
their paycheck and accompanying company benefits, they find that
they are suddenly rendered un-employed or under-employed. That
is when reality sets in and they are forced to consider other
entrepreneurial skills to survive.


Research shows that in previous recessionary periods, many white-collar
executives and blue-collared workers who were laid off started home
business ventures and became highly successful. However, it is important
to note that very few, if any, achieved overnight success. Like any business,
creating a solid foundation for a business is critical to its long term success.
A big percentage of business startups fail during the very first year
because of lack of management skills, under capitalization, poor customer
service, corporate greed and other related problems.

The good news to remember is that when you start your business
opportunity you become self-employed. if you are as hard working
and as focused on success as you were in your white or blue collared
job, you can expect to succeed in your home business as well.


Anytime that you start a private enterprise and especially
during a recession, your primary focus should be on the
bottom-line. keeping your business in a postive cash flow
position is critical to your future financial success. Below
is a partial list of business functions that are required in order
for your business to survivie a recession:

Provide your business cost efficient.
Build great customer relations for repeat business.
Continually evaluate existing products/services.
Network with your customer base and vendors.
Maintain good employee relationships.

You can rest assured that a recession is not going to last forever. If you are
successful in sustaining the economic downturn with your business venture,
you will most likely prosper when the economic situation improves. Your
ability to survive during the recesssion will strengthen your managerial
skills, product and/or service lines and your customer base which in turn
will help you succeed in your business opportunity.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Dog Laddie:

I adopted Laddie when he was a puppy and loved him until the day he
died. Looking into his liquid brown eyes, it was impossible not to see
the love he held for me.

I took Lad with me everywhere I went. We would go for strawberry ice
cream and he loved to lick the stuff down to the cone. Of course, he would
have his own. Then we would go for a long hike 5 miles almost everyday.
We were both in great physical shape.

Then one day, he was not acting right. We would start out on our hikes and
he would jump up on me, as if to say I do not want to walk today. When he
stopped eating, I then knew he was ill. My worst nightmare came true. The
vet diagnosed him with an adencarcinoma. I was heart sick. I was just not
ready to say goodbye to him. I did everything I did, to preserve his life, from
finding the best surgeon money could buy, and the best advice anybody could
give me to give him another few years.

It ended up he had two surgeries, along with a vegetarian diet, he lived another
5 years.

One night I was spending time with him near the end, and I knew his precious life
was almost over, but somehow I just could not believe that I had to say good bye.
I left to go out that evening, and when I came home he was gone. The worst part
of all was that I never had the chance to say goodbye.

It has haunted me for 14 years, that I never got to say good-bye to my best friend...
my beloved Laddy. He didn't want me to say good-bye to him. His last wish was
that I simply not forget him.


Today I sit with sadness
A single tear within my eye
I miss you so, my little one
Cannot bear to say good-bye
No one will ever know
How much you meant to me
Or how the sorrow in my heart
Will never set me free
A faithful friend you always were
A healing to my soul
With tenderness and love
You played a special role
You were one of God's creatures
A companion unique and rare
With a special loyalty
That others do not share
All the precious memories
Are treasured in my heart
And they will always be
Even though we're far apart

My experience with Canine Cancer, led me to a product that
I would like to recommend to anybody that's dog has cancer.
If I had this product then, I know it would have added my
dog more time. HERE:

How To Eat Raw

Last week I shared with you the reason Why you should eat raw:
Now I want to share with you How To Eat Raw.

It is so simple that I had to share it with you: HERE:

How to Eat Raw ...

Any diet you choose to follow can be improved by eating more fruits and vegetables

less sugar, and less refined food. If you eat meat, it needs to be supplemented

with green leafy vegetables, and if you are a vegetarian or vegan, adding raw

food recipes will give you more nuturition and variet than a diet of cooked

vegetables and starches alone. Don't feel that you have to follow a

strict all-raw diet all of the time to get started- anyone can add raw food

recipes to meals they already eat and enjoy.


It’s easier for most people to add new foods gradually. Don’t worry about cutting anything

out of your present diet. If you start adding healthy foods, the less healthy things will

naturally fall away. Just follow these simple steps each week, and before you know it,

you’ll be eating 50% raw, and feeling great!



Make sure you have the following equipment:

  • cutting board
  • 8-inch chef’s knife
  • peeler
  • blender
  • salad spinner
  • Britta water filter (or other water filter system)

You’ll need the following staples:

  • Extra-virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • Raw almonds
  • Dates
  • Dried basil
  • Dried dill
  • Onion powder

Add the following ingredients to your weekly grocery list:

  • Fresh fruit
  • 3 bananas
  • Frozen or fresh berries
  • 1-2 heads Romaine lettuce
  • 1-2 heads Red leaf lettuce
  • 3 avocadoes
  • Garlic
  • 1 bunch celery
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 zucchini
  • 4 Roma tomatoes
  • 1 cucumber
  • 3 lemons


Drink 16 oz. of water first thing in the morning
Fill up a 16-oz water bottle with filtered water and drink it all first thing in the morning,

before you eat anything. This will help flush out your system.

Drink 2-3 more bottles of water during the day
Refill your water bottle and have another before lunch, and one or two more

before dinner.


Have some fresh fruit in the morning, after your water.
Fruit makes a light and cleansing breakfast.

If you are still hungry, have your normal breakfast afterwards.

Over time, you may find that fruit is all you need.

Makes 1 ½ cups, 1 serving


  • ¼ cup water
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries, blueberries, or blackberries
  • ½ banana


  1. If using frozen berries, thaw them overnight.
  2. Blend all ingredients on medium speed until smooth. Serve immediately.


Before each dinner, have a large green leafy salad
Eat your salad before the rest of your dinner, and you’ll eat less!

Makes 1 serving


  • ¼ head red leaf lettuce, torn
  • ¼ head Romaine lettuce, torn
  • 1/8 cucumber, thinly sliced
  • ¼ carrot, thinly sliced
  • ¼ zucchini, thinly sliced
  • ¼ avocado, thinly sliced
  • ½ Roma tomato, in wedges
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil


  1. Toss all ingredients. Serve immediately.


Before each lunch, have a raw vegetable soup.

Soups are an easy way to eat more vegetables, since blending concentrates a

large amount of vegetables into a relatively small volume of soup.

Blending also helps break down the fibers in vegetables, making them easier to

digest—important if you are new to raw foods.

Makes 2 cups, 2 servings


  • ½ cup water
  • 1 zucchini, chopped (about 1 cup)
  • 1 stalk celery, chopped
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ¼ tsp sea salt
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • ½ avocado, chopped
  • 1 tsp dried dill


  1. Place all of the ingredients except the olive oil, avocado and dill in a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth.
  3. Add the olive oil and avocado and blend until smooth. Add the dill and blend briefly just to mix.
  4. Serve immediately.

Makes 1 ½ cups, 1-2 servings


  • 4 Roma or 2 vine-ripened tomatoes, seeded and chopped (about 1½ cups)
  • ¼ cup water
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ¼ tsp sea salt
  • ¼ tsp onion powder
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • ½ avocado, chopped
  • 1 tsp dried basil


  1. Place all of the ingredients except the olive oil, avocado and basil in a blender. Blend until smooth.
  2. Add the olive oil and avocado and blend until smooth. Add the basil and blend briefly just to mix.
  3. Serve immediately.


Eliminate packaged snacks, junk-food, white flour, and white sugar,

if you haven’t done so already.

Snack on fresh fruit and veggie sticks instead.

For more protein, try soaked almonds (soak them overnight in water, then drain and rinse).

Combine them with dates for a sweet treat, or with cucumber slices.

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