Wednesday, September 30, 2009

NEWSFLASH: Animal On A Rampage to Win A 2009 Bimmer for F*R*E*E: Will 74 Leads / Day Do

This guy's an animal! He's up to 74 leads per day for F*R*E*E*!

It just so happens that he's leveraging themost powerful marketing system on the planet, and he's in the hunt for a 2009 335i BMW that we're giving away to our #1 producer this holiday season!

So how does a guy hang with the top 15 internet marketers while spending ZERO DOLLARS on his marketing budget?


The answer will be revealed tonight at 9:00 PM EST. Register NOW and show up early... this call will sell out before we even hit the start button:

Live Marketing & Training Call.

Join Us this Wednesday and listen live.

9PM Eastern
8pm Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific

This guy's in the running for a SICK new Bimmer because he's become such a valuable internet marketer....

This guy generates 74 leads per day.....

This guy's leveraging by far the #1 marketing system for ALL network marketers(he signed up 7 people in his primary business in the last 2 days alone.!)

This guy spends $0.00 on marketing!!!

And the best part, YOU CAN DO IT TOO AFTER TONITE!


Your call...

Cheryl Diamond


Monday, September 28, 2009

Seriously? 74 Leads / Day For F*R*E*E

We did a training
last week that was ridiculous.

We had a guy come out
and show EXACTLY how he was
generating as many as 50 leads PER DAY
absolutely f*r*e*e…

Well, he just beat that record and hit 74 leads PER DAY
with the same strategy!

How would 74 leads per day spending
ZERO dollars on marketing affect YOUR business?

We're going to bring
him back this week to re-visit
this strategy because it is so incredibly

Well, he just beat that record and hit 74 leads PER DAY
with the same strategy!

How would 74 leads per day spending ZERO dollars
on marketing affect YOUR business?

We're going to bring him back this week to re-visit
this strategy because it is so incredibly powerful,
and more importantly one of the tools he uses religiously just
had a few updates, which we want to cover to ensure you understand each
step in this 4-step process.

And there's actually a secret 5th step, which I've
talked him into giving to YOU for F*R*E*E this Wednesday night

It involves articles, html, .exe, ebooks, xml files, software
directories, & ftp… AND IT'S VERY ADVANCED… but this is where we
separate the 3% from the 97%.

This Wednesday at 9:00 PM EST it's all YOURS
at no cost… REGISTER NOW and get there early
because last week we completely maxed out...
you do NOT, you can NOT afford to miss this call:

Live Marketing &
Training Call for MLMLeadSystemPRO Members and Guests.
Join Us this
Wednesday Night and listen live.

9PM Eastern
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific

Time Converter Link:

It's time to open
the flood gates… an unlimited
number of laser-targeted leads for YOUR

CALLS… you'll see why myself and my business
partners are DOMINATING the search engines and CRUSHING THE

Give me one hour for the rest of your life this Wed.
if you're serious about building your empire.

If interested, please register on the right of this blog.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Prospecting Mistakes That Make a Network Marketer Look Like the Village Idiot

Lead generation is the lifeblood of every business in the world, and without this activity your business will dry up faster than a drop of water hitting a hot skillet.

Network marketing is one of those businesses in which generating leads is not a matter of skilled marketing training, but of randomly pursuing a warm market of friends, family and associates.

This practice has been the ONLY approach that 99% of network marketers implement, and although its results have not proven to be "duplicatable," it is still the dominant strategy being imposed on the masses.

Now, I've come to realize that even though there are more efficient ways to get the job done, there are those that like the "classic" or "traditional" approach. Fine, have at it. But before you wander out into the street to do this, be careful to use the following as a guideline to avoid problems.

STOP USING THE "CURIOSITY" APPROACH: When someone asks you, "what is it?" prepare a professional answer and be prepared to follow up with quality information. Nothing burns me up more than to hear someone tell me, "You'll have to see it to understand it," or "It's a visual presentation." If you like rejection, then keep doing this foolishness.

DON'T PAWN PEOPLE OFF ON YOUR UPLINE: I really hate this one. If you are representing yourself as a business owner, then get educated enough to stand confidently before someone and speak about your business. Also, don't "double team" someone by calling them with your upline already on the line. GET PERMISSION FIRST. Be honest and tell them that you have someone on standby with superior knowledge and experience that you'd like to call on, and ask them if it will be o.k. to call them. Once they give the o.k., then you call. No one likes to be "ambushed."

DON'T MANUFACTURE A NEED THAT DOESN'T EXIST: I've heard network marketers asked the question, "do you look at ways to generate additional income?" and when prospect replies in the negative, the network marketer want to probe to find out why. MOVE ON! Stop trying to find a way to force the spoon in their mouth. If they are not hungry, it doesn't make sense to try and figure out why. Go find someone who's hungry.

AVOID LYING ABOUT YOUR INTENTIONS: I got an email from a network marketer that said they weren't trying to recruit me or sell anything, but only to help me with some free information. Lie! Unless they are operating a non-profit organization, everything they do is supposed to lead up to either a product sale or enrollment - and that's perfectly fine. Nobody is denying you the right to make money, but don't try to insult my intelligence with this non-sense. Just give your value and when I'm interested, I'll let you know.

NEVER EVER OVER-PURSUE: It's a big mistake to over-pursue someone for your business. How do you know when you're over-pursuing? When you're too involved in getting them to participate by calling, emailing, and texting constant reminders or "checking in." If you did a good enough job of identifying an existing problem that your product/opportunity can solve, you've been given permission to provide education, and they've confirmed a follow up, leave it at that. If they don't keep their commitment, that's not someone you really want to work with anyway, right? Don't ever look "needy" to someone; they won't respect you or your prospects.

Make the most of your prospecting opportunities by raising the bar on your process.

CLICK HERE : for Larry's wisdom:

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sugar Makes Me Cranky

The last time I ate sugar (about two weeks ago, Yay me!) I spent about an hour stuffing my face full of chocolate cupcakes, red velvet cake dripping with icing, along with brownies and cookies all frosted with rich gooey chocolate.

Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ....

The problem with this is, about an hour later my husband wondered if HE was going to survive.

A moment on the lips, and the husband runs for the hills!!!!!!!! because I was CRA-ANKY!!!!!!!!!!

Don't touch me. Don't talk to me. I am on a sugar rampage!

I want to hear your best, funniest, grouchiest, sugar rampage story for the contest.

Click here to go to the next blog in the contest:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Marketing Your MLM Business With Articles

Last night we had a fantastic webinar teaching us exactly what to do to generate massive amounts of marketing leads for our businesses:

I would like to share some of his wisdom with you.

Quite frankly, creating massive free traffic online is easy if you understand how to
use article marketing. Getting started promoting your business through articles
may seem like a daunting task. By continuing to read, you'll learn the basics to
getting started with article marketing.


Let us start by covering the basic problems that most MLM distributors have
when marketing on the internet. Here are the two biggest problems that most
people will run into at one point or another.

Most distributors simply have a poor lead capture page that doesn't convert traffic very well, so most of the effort that they put into their business is wasted. The number one priority of yours in MLM business is to get a lead
system that converts visitors into sales and distributors. For the sake of time, however, I am going to assume that you already have a lead system in place, and we'll focus on the second issue.

Most people who have awesome lead systems in place simply don't get very much traffic to their site - which basically makes their system pointless. The simple truth of the matter is that you need THOUSANDS of visitors to your site each month to generate the kinds of leads you need to be successful - this can be difficult and expensive if you don't know what you are doing.

If you're new to marketing and don't have a marketing budget of $5,000 a month, this is where article marketing can give you the initial boost you need to get your business off the ground. For example, article marketing brought more than seven thousand unique visitors to the last website I started in the first six weeks. Now those results are much higher than typical, and I have a free video course on my website that I give for subscribing to my newsletter, but I was able to do that because of one thing:

Everyday, I write ONE article, no matter what (even if I do not want to), and I submit it using a planned process to a bunch of sites. That is it.

Now I haven't been doing article marketing for very long, yet I've already generated more visitors than 99% of everyone who ever markets their business in this way - and it's because I wrote one article a day for the last five weeks. This article you're reading right now was my effort for the day.

Yesterday, I wrote an article about a well known prelaunch MLM company called The Trump Network. Two days, ago, I did a report on a well known MLM trainer which has already received more than three hundred views.

I wrote one article per day.

Let me share one of my favorite quotes. I don't know who the original author is, but I heard it a long time ago from a guy named Brad Duncan (who was rich out of his mind.) Brad told me "I make the money I do because I do the simple, daily, consistent things that everyone knows that they should do, but nobody does, and I've been doing them daily for 20 years.

It doesn't take too much time research some quick keywords and write an article - in fact half of the time I don't even do any keyword research at all. I just do some quick brainstorming and write an article from my imagination. (Like this one - no keyword research was involved.)

The funny thing is, while all my competitors are looking for "the perfect keyword," I've gotten more than views on my main website in the last 30 days from articles that didn't contain one smidgeon of research whatsoever to complete. They were concerning subjects I know a great deal about and I didn't even bother to check if people are searching for
them. I just too 20 minutes and wrote them up. I've gotten more than 50 leads from those articles alone.

So I have a challenge for you:

For this ENTIRE MONTH, write one article per day for your MLM business.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Are You Addicted To Sugar?

We are facing an obesity epidemic in this country, which can result in Type II
diabetes among many other diseases. It is due to the fact that this nation
is addicted to sugar.

Eliminating sugar from your diet entirely, is not only critical to maintaining good
health, but also contributes to a youthful physical appearance.
Along with sugar, grains also poses a challenge to our health and often has
unidentified risks.

If you are addicted to sugar, the best way to overcome the addiction is to
completely abstain from all sugar and grains. Sugar addiction is similar to
a drug addiction. You have a biochemical need for it and unless you rid
your body of this poison, you will keep craving it.
Would an alcoholic have just one dring and walk away
without having another one?

Here is a partial list of what sugar can do to a healthy body.

Contributed by Nancy Appleton, PHD.

Author of the book: Lick The Sugar Habit

In addition to throwing off the body's homeostasis, excess sugar may result
in a number of other significant consequences. The following is a listing of
some of sugar's metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals
and other scientific publications.

1. Sugar can suppress your immune system and impair your defenses against infectious disease.

2. Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.

3. Sugar can produce a significant rise in total cholesterol, triglycerides and bad and cholesterol and a decrease in good cholesterol.

4. Sugar feeds cancer cells and has been connected with the development of cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, rectum, and pancrease, biliary tract, lung, and gallbladder, and stomach.

5. Sugar can weaken your eyesight.

6. Sugar can cause premature aging.

7. Sugar can cause autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, asthma, and multiple sclerosis.

When eliminating sugars from your diet it is imperative that you eat every two to eat every three to four hours to eliminate symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Monday, September 21, 2009

650 leads, 600+ visitors to his blog, and 5 new reps? This Guy's UNREAL WEBINAR THIS WED

Check this out... a friend of mine has
been able to do some amazing things
over the last few weeks.

In just the last 2 months this guy's
generated 650 laser targeted leads...

In just 3 weeks his blog is now getting
600+ hits per day from unique visitors,
all of which are hungry for his information...

In just the last week alone he's been able
to sponsor 5 new distributors into his
primary M*L*M company...

What the heck is he doing?!?!


The cost of his article marketing


But he doesn't just "post" an article
and hope for the best either...

This guy's got a 4 step-process down
pat where he can basically fire at will
and be on google within 48 hours for
any keyword he wants.

Just to prove it to himself he did a
little test... He picked out the keyword
"MLM Training" and in just a few short
days he's now ranked in the #9 spot in
google for this HIGHLY COMPETITIVE

And better yet, he did it with a CAPTURE
PAGE, not a blog, which is an extremely
difficult feat for any marketer. (google doesn't
like capture pages to begin with because there's
typically not much content on these 1 page websites...
well, this guy doesn't care what google likes)

And the best part is that he's
going to share EVERYTHING about his 4 step
article marketing strategy with YOU this
Wednesday, Sept 23rd, at 9:00 PM EST.

If you have a $0.00 marketing budget, this
strategy alone will get you in the game TODAY.

Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Live Marketing & Training Call for MLM LeadSystem PRO Members and Guests.
Join Us this Wednesday Night and listen live.

9PM Eastern
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific

Time Converter Link:

I should be charging you hundreds if not
THOUSANDS of dollars for this type of
training! However, you're on my personal
list so consider this a special gift from me to you ;)

See you Wednesday!

Cheryl Diamond

Sunday, September 20, 2009

From An Ordinary Cable Guy To A Fabulous Network Marketer

I met an awsome gentleman last week, who went from being just an ordinary
cable employee who has mastered the skills of becoming a successful network

I would like to introduce Larry Beacham to you:

Larry Beacham is the Principal Owner of Diamond Cutter Marketing Group located in Columbus, Ohio. Larry best known for his knowledge of internet marketing, virtual media, social networking, and video marketing. Larry typically works with the MLM/Network Marketing and Home-based business industry by providing expert advice on lead generation, partner acquisition, and customer development strategies.

I was at the grocery store the other day and while in the checkout line, I noticed this machine near the exit called a Coin Star. Now, I've seen this machine many times but usually walked by it without giving it a second look and I'd never seen anyone using it. So, I really didn't understand what it was for.

This particular day, I saw a young couple approach the Coin Star machine with two gigantic jars of coins in each arm. I stood and watched as they dumped those coins into that machine, and as the coins filtered down through the mechanism, it automatically sorted and sifted the coins and gave a final count on the total. The couple took a receipt of that total to the customer service desk and received their cash equivalent..

Standing there, I instantly got a revelation as to how that machine relates to the success of the modern day network marketer, even my own success and it is simply this: Amateurs manually rifle through random people trying to identify the "silver dollars," while the professionals build a machine that does the sifting and sorting for them.

Every network marketer has been told to sit down and write out a prospect/warm market list to contact for their business. This approach has been taught since the beginning of time, and is still being used to this day.

Now, this approach does work, however it is inherently inefficient because you have no way of knowing in advance who the "silver dollar" is. So, it is as though you have this giant jar of mixed coins that you have to dig your hand into and handle each coin one by one, hoping that each time you reach in that you can pull out a silver dollar. You end up spending a lot of time handling "chump change" (i.e. tire kickers, haters, opportunity "seekers" rather than "buyers," skeptics, cynics, unqualified job mentality individuals, etc.) and this can become very discouraging.

Statistically speaking, the average network marketer quits their business after 63 days, and this very approach to building their business is a key culprit. People get tired of dealing with all the chump change in their jar and can't endure long enough to get down to the silver dollars.

I used to be one of those who spent a lot of time handling chump change and I simply got tired of that process. So, I went out and found a machine that would allow me to dump my jar of coins into it, and I could put it on a setting that said, "Silver Dollars." It did all the sifting and sorting for me, and because I set it to only kick out silver dollars, I no longer had to personally handle anything that wasn't a silver dollar.

This came from an ezine article: HERE:

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Healthy Foods for Your Family



Keep your family in tip-top shape with these tasty, healthy foods.






Fish are a great source of many healthy protecting nutrients and oils. Explore varieties of fish and discover great tasting, healthful recipes.

When chosen carefully, fish is an excellent source of protein, with much less fat and cholesterol than lean meat.

Q. How healthy is fish?

A. Fish is a great source of lean protein and one of the best ways to get a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, those good fats that protect your heart, support your brain, and keep your cells healthy. However, since our oceans and rivers are not as clean as they once were, not all fish is equally healthy. The tips in this article will help you make safe and healthy seafood choices.

Fish is a great source of lean protein and one of the best ways to get a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids, those good fats that protect your heart, support your brain, and keep your cells healthy. However, since our oceans and rivers are not as clean as they once were, not all fish is equally healthy. The tips in this article will help you make safe and healthful seafood choices.

Q. Should I buy wild fish or farmed fish?

A. This is a complex question. The demand for seafood has encouraged many fisheries to catch more fish than our waters can sustainably produce, resulting in diminishing fish stocks and damage to the ecosystem. For that reason, fish farming seems a logical solution. However, not all farmed fish are thought to be healthy. For example, farmed salmon has been shown to contain chemical pollutants. On the other hand, farm-raised trout, catfish, shrimp, striped bass, sturgeon, Artic char, and flounder are healthy and sustainable choicesQ. Should I buy wild fish or farmed fish?

The demand for seafood has encouraged many fisheries to catch more fish than our waters can sustainably produce, resulting in diminishing fish stocks and damage to the ecosystem. For that reason, fish farming seems a logical solution. However, not all farmed fish are thought to be healthy. For example, farmed salmon has been shown to contain chemical pollutants. On the other hand, farm-raised trout, catfish, shrimp, striped bass, sturgeon, Artic char, and flounder are healthy and sustainable choices.

To help you make educated choices, ask your seafood supplier where the fish came from and how it was caught.

Q. How do I select seafood?

A. When chosen carefully, fish is an excellent source of protein, with much less fat and cholesterol than lean meat. Plus, fish is loaded with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease, lower high cholesterol, ease arthritis, and improve mood. Follow these tips when shopping for fish:

  • Look for the “Seafood Safe” label, which indicates that the item is tested regularly for PCBs and mercury and that it meets quality-assurance guidelines for that species.
  • Visit for a list of participating fish distributors.
  • Check out for an up-to-date listing of which fish varieties are healthiest.
  • Know that fish high on the food chain such as swordfish, shark, tuna, king mackerel, and lobster may contain higher levels of contaminants. Limit eating canned tuna to once a month.
  • If you are not sure about a fish don’t eat it.

Q. What looks good?

  • When buying fish, choose firm, shiny flesh that will spring back when touched.
  • Fish should have only a mild smell, like seawater, but not a strong fishy odor.
  • Shellfish, such as oysters, clams, and mussels, must be alive when purchased.
  • Lobsters and crabs should be alive or frozen when purchased.
  • Shrimp are usually frozen and often precooked. Look for a full shell and firm meat.
  • Frozen fish is a good choice, as freezing keeps water inside fish tissues, thus preserving juices and maximizing flavor and texture when cooked. Frozen fish should be somewhat shiny and have no white freezer-burn spots.


Discover the nearly endless ways you can prepare grains: as side dishes, in casseroles, soups, stews, and salads, breads, and more.

I do not recommend wheat, corn, rye, or any white flour products. Wheat, corn and rye, are heavily concentrated with dangerous levels of mico-toxins and eatin in heavy quantities, can result in the manifestation of certain diseases.



Work more healthy and nutritious veggies into your family’s diet with tips on buying and storing, along with delicious, kid-friendly recipes.

To me this is the most important food category there is. Be sure to wash all produce well, when you bring it home, a good veggie wash is also very helpful, if you cannot afford organic.



Sweet tangy and tasty!

Fruits are an important part of any healthy diet. Discover new types of fruit along with great recipes.

I have not included meats, or poultry in the healthy category, unless it is organic, again there are too many unhealthy mico-toxins, pesticides, and hormones that are injected into meat that can cause undesirable efffects on a healthy lifestyle. If you are a meat or poultry eater, try to opt for organic grass fed products. These cost a bit more, but in the long run it is a better choice.

I hope this has educated you on healthy lifestyle choices. The shopping list is endless, and you need never get bored with a healthy lifestyle.

Majority of this blog came from this website:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Restoring Missing Nutrients With Power Foods

As everybody knows Jillian Michaels from the biggest loser, discusses
eating power foods to stay healthy and give our bodies the nutrients
it needs to overcome any disease.


FROM LOSING IT! With Jillian Michaels:

What you consider what Americans typically put into our bodies each day --
all the junk food, refined and enriched grains, and other sources of empty
calories---it's not suprising that more than 60% of us don't meet the
daily recommendations for key nutrients. Many vitamins and other
micro-nutrients are necessary for hormone production, which means
that to maintain a healthy metabolism, we need to pay attention
to our nutrient intake.

Here are just a few key nutrients you probably need to restore to your
diet. The daily nutrient intakes listed are recommendations of the
Linus Pauling institute at Orgeon State University, a world renowned
research center on the science of micronutrients.

Pantothenic Acid (5 milligrams a day): All steroid hormones, including
estrogen and progesterone can be produced only when you have enough
pantothenic acid, or vitamin B-5-Food sources: 8 ounces yogurt 1.35mg):
1.2 cup sweet potatoe (.88 mg.)

Potassium (4.7 grams a day) Potassium is both a mineral and an
electrolyte that regulates as much as 40% of our resting metabolic
rate. Food sources: 1 medium baked potatoe (926mg): 6 ounces
tomatoe juice (417 mg)

Vitamin B6 (2 milligrams a day): This vitamin helps the body release
glucose from stored glycogen. It also binds to the receptors for
steroid hormones, preventing the uptake of excessive hormones
and thus possibly helping to reduce the risk of breast and prostate
cancer. Food sources: 3 ounces chicken (.51mg): 1 medium banana

Zinc (15 milligrams a day) Zinc levels are linked to levels of leptin,
the hormone that helps us feel satisfied after eating. Food sources:
6 medium oysters (76mg): 3 ounces dark meat turkey (3.8mg.)
1.2 cup baked beans. (1.8 mg.)

So you see from this recommendation blog, that you can put nutrients into your
body, and leave the junk food at the door, if you want to be well and stay healthy.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"What Will You Do When You Have Lost Everything?"


You've seen the headlines. It's impossible to avoid them. Every time
you turn on the television or pick up a newspaper, you hear about the
struggling global economy. The stock market is up one minute and
down the next. Companies are reducing their workforce, or worse,
closing their doors. Much of the United States is in a recession and
home foreclosures are at an all time high.

The fact is - those headlines aren't just headlines these days. What you
see on television or read in the newspapers is probably what your're
living each day.

When you stop at the gas station, you may have to leave your tank
half empty.

When you shop for groceries, your basket may only be half full.

And when you drive through your neighborhood, you may
witness firsthand the sad stories of foreclosures and unsold

Let's face it- it's a time of personal struggle for may people.

And in times like this, you may feel hopeless. You may feel
that you have no other choice than to keep hoping that your
paycheck will provide your family with even the most basic
necessities, but what happens if your car breaks down or your
hot water heater starts leaking?

Feeling helpless and struggling along with everyone else
is one choice that you can make.

But it's not the only one.

Imagine how much easier your life might be if you had a little
extra income.

Wouldn't even just a bit help bridge the gap between where you
are today and where you want to be tomorrow?

Everyone could benefit from earning some additional money- but
maybe you don't know where to start.


Well, that's one idea. But with businesses closing their doors, even a
part time job could be a challenge to find. Plus, working for minimum
wage and spending even more hours away from your family each
day doesn't sound all that appealing.


It's a possibilty. But do you have thousands of dollars in capital
to get started? Do you have the time to wait for your business to
generate a profit?


The good news is that not everyone is struggling these days. In fact,
many people have actually found a way to recession proof their

I found a way to recession proof my income with wide open

For more information click on the link below and see how you can
benefit in this tough economy of ours. You may even win a 335i
BMW - Bimmer.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I Want You to Drive a Bimmer… So We’re Giving One Away

My good friend Norbert Orlewicz is giving away a 335I BMW Bimmer.
I would like to share this giveaway with you. This is what he has to


We turn one year old this month! And to celebrate our 1st birthday
we decided to give away a brand new BMW 335i Coupe!

I'm a bit of a car gy myself, and I have always dreamed of owning a
BMW. Well, just last Christmas my goal of driving a BMW came true
when my wife and I purchased a brand new BMW X5 SUV for our
family. It is an awsome vehicle! If you are not that into cars, you
probably don't care... but I tell you, it is a sweet, sweet ride!

I want YOU to experience what it is like to have the Ultimate Driving
Machine in YOUR garage.!!!

So my partners and I decided to hold our first ever affilate
contest! And reward our incredible members with some fantastic

The contest is SIMPLE:

Refer the newest members and you WIN!

The contest officially starts on September 15th at 12:01AM and ends on
December 15th at midnight. The contest is open to anyone...any marketer
on the internet! If you can drive traffic, the Bimmer could be yours!! It is
wide open!!

We absolutely LOVE Paying out our affiliate commissions each and every
month, knowing that we help network marketers put more money in
their pockets!! I can't wait to hand over the keys to one of our lucky
members in December!!. Just in time for the holidays! Good luck
to all of you.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Eating for A's

This is a must read for anyone with children and I wanted to share it with you.


Three quarters of American children decide what - if anything-
they'll eat every morning. That is a problem. "Even nutritional
deficiencies of a relatively short-term nature will influence
children's behavior, ability to concentrate, and to perform
complex tasks,". Tufts University researchers find.

Starting the day with something as easy as a cereal bar can improve
memory, mood, and recall, another study shows.

Research among junior-high girls find that those who got iron and
vitamin B-3 (Niacin) at breakfast had better memory scores.
And vitamin B-12 intake was linked to better grades at school.

There's more: Eating breakfast also means kids are less likely to
be overweight. Consider the dramatic rise in type 2 diabetes. Any
American born from 2000 on has a one-in-three chance of developing
what was only a few years ago known as adult-onset diabetes.

Starting the day off right with a good breakfast has been linked to a
healthy body mass index (BMI). With one-third of today's children
either overweight or fast becoming overweight, that is important
since packing on the pounds leads to type 2 diabetes. For young
people with a family history of diabetes, a healthy breakfast stalls
surges in blood sugar. Recent Swedish research finds that whole-
grain breakfast cereal helps balance blood sugar throughout the

Boys who eat cereal for breakfast have lower total and LDL(bad)
cholesterol levels, as well as a lover BMI. And college women who skip
breakfast experience irregular periods and menstrual problems.

Here is Dr. Ann Louise's Take:

Parents need to talk with their kids about the importance of good
nutrition. It's essential for children to understand why they need
a good breakfast-and to have plenty of healthy foods from which
to choose.

With today's hectic lifestyle, it is critical to have a comprehensive
plan in place with a detailed shopping list of healthy foods your
kids will actually eat. Navigating through the thousands of
products on store shelves can be a daunting task, but a few
simple tips can help:

1. Buy fiber rich cereals with no added sugar and provide fruit,
(bananas, berries, sliced peaches) and flax seeds or nuts to
toss on top.

2. Read labels: 4 grams of sugar=1 teaspoon. (The American Heart
Association recommends no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar
a day. I think 2 teaspoons is plenty!)

3. Keep almond, rice, or soy milk on hand to add to cereal or as boxed
drinks for kids' lunches.

4. Hard boil free-range eggs for breakfast and healthy snacks.

5. Whip up smoothies with protein powder, fresh, or frozen fruit,
and yogurt with live, active cultures.

6. Keep energy bars that are low in sugar and high in fiber on hand.
Some brands are beginning to add essential fatty acids.

7. Not every child likes standard breakfast foods. If yours doesn't,
offer him soup or a sandwich with whole-grain bread instead.

Making time to buy and prepare quality foods does take effort- at
least initially. But the payoff is enormous.

Well-nourished children have more robust immune systems. Their
concentration is sharper and they head to school ready to learn. Kids'
moods remain more stable-something parents of teens can especially
appreciate. And children are less likely to have problems with

As parents, you put great effort into raising healthy children. When
you make healthy eating a priority, those efforts pay off by giving your
kids important ingredients for success!

Ann Louise Gittleman is known as the First Lady of Nutrition. Here programs
have transformed many people's lives.

Monday, September 7, 2009

What Internet marketers will NEVER tell you about building your business...

If you are a network marketer you should understand the incredible
power of the internet to build your Network Marketing business in the
21st century.

But, I'm going to be perfectly honest with you right now, and tell you a
couple things that most other internet marketers will never share.

Yes, the internet is an incredible lead generation tool. You can tap into
virtually limitless markets globally from the comfort of your home.
You can literally generate hundreds of high quality prospects for your
business each and every week. You can have people actually contacting
YOU. You can expose prospects to your opportunity while you sleep.
You can build relationships on autopilot with thousands of prospects
at a time. You can even make commissions from all the propects that
DON'T join your business.

So what more do you need right?

Well here's the thing. And it absolutely critical to your long term success
in the network marketing industry.

The internet is ONLY ONE piece of the puzzle.

The internet ALONE will NOT make you rich in network marketing.

You must understand the importance of several other major principles
and concepts that are critical to our long term success in this industry.

This Wednesday night we are bringing on a special guest trainer who has
been achieving phenomenal results in his business online. This gentleman
is the TOP affiliate with his marketing system and has absolutely
MASTERED using this to build his primary business.

How would you like to learn from someone that has mastered network marketing
using this incredible system?

How would you like to learn from someone who converts 60% of his
members into his primary company?

Get ready for an entertaining and content rich training session and learn from
the specific techniques he uses to create endless leads on the internet
and offline. You will learn the specific techniques he uses to not only
sell more affiliate products, but also sign up more members and most
importantly more new distributors in his primary business. Just recently
he has built a down-line of 265 distributors in just 30 days using this
incredible system.

This Wednesday you get to learn from this Top Producer and Master
Marketer and discover his $10K Per Month Attraction Marketing

Join us this Wednesday September 9th at (9:00 PM EST) and
watch the flood gates open right before your eyes!

Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

HOLY CRAP!?! We're Giving Away a 2009 335i BMW for F*R*E*E Dec. 15th

Did you hear what's going on right now in the
network marketing industry???

The #1 rated, fastest growing, most successful
attraction marketing system in the industy is
having a contest over the next 3 months.

The system is called MLM Lead System Pro and
they just turned 1 year old today, and over the
past year this is what they've been able to do...

*They've paid out over $600,000 CASH TO
their members in affiliate money, which has
allowed thousands of network marketers to stay
in the game and chase the dream...

*Their students generated well over 400,000
leads in the last year from the cutting-edge
marketing knowledge they received inside this

*Their website gets more traffic than all but
7 other COMPANY websites in the industry
all of which are multi-million dollar companies
and have been around for years...RIDICULOUS!

*They created well over a $2,000.000 business
in 12 months, and they teach networkers the
EXACT marketing strategies they used to build
their empires!

And they wanted to throw a little birthday bash
together and give back even more to the network
marketing industry as a whole.

And here's the best part...they decided they'd give
away an INSANE first place prize....

A 2009 335i BMW Coupe!!!

(they're actually giving away a total of 7 killer've got to see them!)

marketer, newbie & veteran alike, have a very
real shot at taking home this Brand New Bimmer
on December 15th.

Fill out the form on this website to be entered into
an epic Battle that will go down in the books as
one of the coolest giveaways the industry has ever


Friday, September 4, 2009

Fitness and Exercise

In my prior blogs, I have written how important good nutrition is
to being healthy. I would now like to share with you how
incorporating a little exercise routine contributes to that
healthy new lifestyle we all want to enjoy. HERE:

I don't know if it's a matter of finding the time or just the thought of
a long stretch of exercise, but sometimes a few 10-minute spurts
sound much more reasonable than a longer workout. You can
squeeze in 10 minutes of conditioning here and there, and still get
the USDA-recommended 30 minutes of daily exercise. Studies
show that a few short spurts of activity offer the same benefits as
one long exercise routine. Who knew?! Here's how.


Park a mile from the office and bike the rest of the way, or park a little
closer and speed-walk. "When you put away the car keys, not only do
you get your body moving, but you're also getting an endorphin boost",
says Suzanne Wells, owner of Miss Fit wellness studio in Portland,
Orgeon. Biking is cost-efficient and environmentally friendly, too.


Get creative. Every lull in your schedule is an opportunity for a tone-up,
says Dorothy Waterman, a Pasadena-based personal trainer. Do squats
while you brush your teeth and calf raises when you do the dishes. At
work, strengthen your core by lifting alternating feet off the ground
while keeping your tummy tight. And always take the stairs.


Sneak in a mini personalized workout without fussy equipment or a trip
to the gym. Waterman recommends doing consecutive sets of exercises-
think lunges, push ups, crunches, and triceps dips-while your're
watching TV or waiting for the pasta water to boil. Tailor the number
of sets and repetitions to your fitness level.

So you see, you do not have to take two hours out of your busy schedule to
go to the health club, (it only produces more stress), when you can tailor
your exercise plan to fit into your busy lifestyle.