Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Transfer Factor and the Immune System:

Several of my readers have asked me to write more about alternative medicine, and how, it is so different in the way of thinking than conventional medicine. Conventional medicine treats the symptoms, and alternative medicine teaches us how to be proactive with our health. We practice healthier lifestyles, and we teach preventative medicine.

I would like to introduce a major player in the alternative health field, and it is called Transfer Factor. This miracle molecule has done so much for our immune system, I would like to share what it is and how it works with all of my fans. It is the best kept secret, and I want to let the cat out of the bag how wonderful this Miracle Molecule Transfer Factor is.

The following is compliments of my friend Dr. Dwayne Townsend, who has written all about this with such eloquence, I will now share it with you.

The following information is for education only and is not meant to diagnose, prescribe, or treat illness. It is valuable to seek the advice of an alternative health care professional before making any changes.

Transfer Factor: The Immune Connection:

“Transfer factors are small proteins that "transfer" the ability to express cell-mediated immunity from immune donors to non-immune recipients.”
Molecular Medicine, April 6, 2000

After I had my melanoma, I didn't want a recurrence. Conventional medicine offered me nothing to draw on when it came to protection. Make no mistake, once cancer appears in one part of your body, your risk of getting it somewhere else goes up. My father died of cancer, my mother died of cancer, my son has had a melanoma, my oldest daughter had a pre-melanotic lesion of her ear, my mother-in law had breast cancer, and her sister had breast cancer twice before she died of a massive stroke. It was obvious that we were doing a lousy job of preventing cancer in our family. So I looked elsewhere for the answer.

A visit to a naturopathic physician who knew his stuff led me to an individual with an immune-enhancing compound called transfer factor. Because I agreed to give a talk on TF, I had to review the literature carefully and I became impressed by the data. Here was a natural product that not only boosted the immune system, it also calmed an over-reactive immune system often seen in people with autoimmune diseases, (something my youngest daughter struggled with).

Now, after countless hours of research and personal use, when anyone asks me about immune system boosters, my answer is always the same — take transfer factor. I have used it for years and have found that my resistance to disease has dramatically improved. In fact, I so rarely get flu or a cold anymore that when I encounter someone who has one, I invariably ask them, “Why are you sick?” It usually doesn’t go over well, but I tell them that they must enjoy being ill because it really isn’t necessary.

I’ve been taking transfer factor daily for over 8 years and my immune cells still react aggressively whenever my body is invaded by a new virus or bacteria. Moreover, I believe that my ability to reduce my risk of cancer has vastly improved because of dietary changes coupled with using a short list of supplements that are topped off by transfer factor.

What Exactly Is TF?

Transfer factor molecules are comprised of a few amino acids that act as immune messenger molecules that work in white blood cells. They are abundantly found within the colostrum of breast milk. When a mother nurses her baby, transfer factors from her more experienced immune system pass to her baby via the colostrum. Colostrum is rich in immune components that pass to the newborn, affording its more vulnerable and new immune system the advantages of a much older, experienced one (its mother).

Moreover, this transfer of immunity to the infant confers protection on the baby until its immune system can make its own transfer factors.

Transfer factors can now be extracted from cow colostrum, concentrated and offered in supplement form. These molecules are not species-specific making them cross-species compatible. While different mammals may have a unique colostrum mix, the transfer factors contained within their colostrum are the same. Transfer factors produced by a cow can work just as effectively in humans as they do in animals. The ability to receive immune data that is transferred from the cow to the human has the potential to revolutionize the way we look at disease prevention in medicine.

The Tri-fold Benefits of Taking TF:

When you take taking factor, you get three benefits.

First your immune system is strengthened so that when new viruses or bacteria invade your body, your heightened immune cells react very rapidly. By so doing, they prevent the foreign organism from getting a toe hold; consequently, even if you do get sick, the infection will be milder.

Secondly, when you take transfer factor, you store these borrowed messenger molecules in your own immune data banks. As a result, when you are invaded by an organism that had previously infected the cow, the acquired transfer factor molecules stimulate you immune system to specifically recognized and react to this particular microorganism.

Third, if your immune system is over-reactive (something seen in autoimmune diseases like arthritis, lupus, etc.) transfer factor will modulate or calm immune defenses which inadvertently attack healthy tissue thereby improving one’s health.

You Can Lead A Horse to Water . . .

Informing my medical colleagues about TF along with other natural compounds like genistein, ginkgo biloba, etc., motivated me to intensely study the value of these and other alternative medicines. And, generally speaking, their reception was surprisingly warm. In other words, I was not openly rebuked.

Of course, these were the same doctors I taught several of my new gynecological procedures to (cryosurgery, colposcopy, endometrial ablation, etc.). In spite of their polite responses, and to my disappointment, none of these physicians took up transfer factor either personally or for their patients.

This was especially unfortunate for their cancer patients who all need a tremendous amount of immune system support. The results my own cancer patients on TF experienced were quite dramatic and I searched for new ways to inform more physicians about the spectacular benefits of TF. Regardless of the success I was having with my own patients, my fellow physicians remained reluctant to suggest TF or genistein, or any natural compound to their own patients. I call their predictable response to complementary medicine a knee jerk reaction at its worse.

TF: Preventive Medicine At Its Best:

TF increases our army of natural killer cells. These remarkable cells seek and destroy potentially harmful invaders. Simply stated, the increased killer cell activity we get from taking supplemental transfer factor significantly increases our ability to stay healthy. It is the epitome of preventive medicine. Let me reiterate at this point that I would not presume to suggest any natural product unless it came with impressive scientific credentials, and TF does. Like genistein, TF had to win me over. Naturally, when word got out that I was interested in natural products, a number of prominent companies approached me with their line of products. Unfortunately, the science supporting many of their flagship supplements was lacking. Consequently, so was my interest.

TF is Sophisticated Immune Support:

Through a special and patented process, concentrated transfer factors can now be “lifted” out of cow colostrum, collected and offered in a pure and powerful concentrated extract. A 1996 issue of Biotherapy reported that transfer factors can stimulate an immune system response in less than 24 hours. I believe that adding more transfer factors to our immune arsenal enhances the transfer of information from cell to cell. Our immune defenders are given more information, and as a result, we develop a stronger, more efficient immune system capable of fighting off constant assaults.

TF is Backed By Sound Scientific Data:

To date, over 3,000 clinical studies and papers have been published on transfer factors. Scores of international, well-respected scientists and physicians have established the effectiveness and safety of transfer factors. Over the last fifty years, an estimated $40,000,000 has been spent on research. The data strongly suggests that transfer factors offer extraordinary immune benefits.
Well-documented and scientifically validated, transfer factors emerge as profoundly important to health maintenance worldwide. Recently, a symposium on transfer factors was held in Italy where transfer factor researcher. Dr. D. Viza spoke about the potential of transfer factor in an era when "the toll of several diseases, such as cancer, continues to rise and the pathogenesis of AIDS remains elusive."

The Last Word on TF:

Transfer factor is nothing less than an amazing natural compound that should be used by physicians everywhere. Last year alone, I flew over 200,000 miles in teaching capacities throughout the United States and Europe, and I NEVER BECAME ILL. We all know about the microbial hazards of re-circulated plane cabin air and yet here I sit, infection free. At the risk of going overboard, let me just say that I love what transfer factor has done for me, for my family, and for my patients.

To read the entire article: CLICK HERE:

To order product or to learn more about Transfer Factor CLICK HERE:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Malaleuca Distributor Use Squidoo to Generate Low Cost Leads:

7 Uncomplicated Tips on Making Squidoo Lens to Generate Low Cost Lead Generation Traffic for Your Website:

Squidoo was only set up in late 2005 but it has become one of the Internet’s Top 500 websites with a worldwide audience since then. Squidoo as your co-op partner will not only generate low cost leads but will increase income for your website and much-needed traffic as well.

How You Earn from Squidoo:

Before we start talking about generating low cost leads to your website traffic through Squidoo, let’s focus on another main benefit of working with Squidoo and that’s earning revenues. Squidoo is a network of lenses. These are single pages containing a user’s sole perspective on any topic he’s an expert in. Lenses can be about anything under the sun and usually focuses more on recommendations and linking to other websites than creating only original content.

A user of Squidoo is called a lensmaster. His Squidoo earns through advertising. Share of revenues goes as follows: five percent for charities, 45% for Squidoo, and the remaining half for users.

Let me share with you 7 Uncomplicated Tips on Making Squidoo Lens to Generate Traffic for Your Website:

Tip #1

Start by creating a fun but detailed introduction Block about your lens. This is the first thing that people will see of your lens so you have to work on making it attention-getting. This is where you explain what they can expect from your lens, maybe also what your qualifications are for creating this kind of lens, and why you’ve created such a lens. End with an invitation to get more of the stuff you’re offering on your Squidoo lens by providing a link back to your website.

Tip #2

Whatever kind of lens you’re doing, make sure you use a variety of content for it. Besides providing the requisite outbound links and content, consider also adding images and other graphics, videos, and other kinds of visual effects. When you are using images, make sure you write enough text to surround the image.

Tip #3

Squidoo is all about posting recommended links. Your list should always include but never limited to your website. It’s understandable and acceptable that you’re recommending your website, especially if you truly have valuable content to offer. But look for other websites to recommend, too. Choose your recommendations carefully; if you just link to anybody, people might soon lose interest in checking out your lenses. Try linking to fellow online network marketers.

Tip #4

Provide a brief personalized description for each link you provide. That includes describing your website as well!

Tip #5

For revenue modules, don’t just choose the first group of products that come up for your targeted keywords. Take the time to check them out one by one. Choose the products that appeal to you best; this will make it easier for you to describe and recommend them to your readers.

Tip #6

Use as much original content as possible. It doesn’t have to be all factual; your opinions would do as well. Personalization is, as always, the key to good online content. Secondly, don’t write irrelevant text; if readers realize you’re just wasting their time beating around the bush to make your lens appear content-packed, there’s a very good chance they won’t come back after this.

Tip #7

Use content from your website but don’t display it all on your Squidoo lens. Display the second best content then tease them with hints about something better – and which they can get when they visit your website.

To learn more strategies, on low cost lead generation PLEASE CLICK HERE:

7 Figure earners use these techniques to generation 50-100 leads per day.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Malaleuca Distributors Use Press Release to Drive Low Cost Lead Generation Traffic:

Using Press Release To Drive Traffic To Your Website:

Press releases are special articles that appear in special websites, usually news-oriented ones. Press releases are created using the tone of a broadcast journalist. It is a way of promoting a product, service, or in this case, a website to make sure that people knows what ever you are offering.

The pull of press releases is better than regular articles. It gives people the air of truthfulness and professionalism. It is a type of feature article that subtly promotes a product by showing every fact and data supporting it. Press releases carry an air of integrity and are known to convince people better.

These types of articles are good tools to generate low cost lead generation traffic to your website. In the internet world, creating traffic to your site entails more than just submitting links to search engines. You need articles to promote your site - real articles and not just key-word rich articles. You are going to need press releases as well.

Press releases can be syndicated by other media sources. This means that you get free mileage and advertising just by distributing press releases to the right channels. Once other sites get interested in your press release, they would put it out in one of their pages. And the more sites publishing your releases, the better chances of MLM leads you get.

There are a lot of press releases sites on the internet. Try searching for them all and see how much low cost lead traffic they have. You'd like to take part of that traffic and transfer it to your site. So applying the rule of averages, you want to start making press release articles for sites with the highest page rank and have thousands of prospective MLM leads in a day.

Press releases, for them to work as desired, should be written and sent to the right target market. Some press release sites do all of these jobs for you. But you have to pay extra for that type of service. If you can afford it, and you really need massive amounts of low cost lead traffic, you might also consider the idea.

People don't really like reading materials that are obviously created for a certain product. But if you do your promotion via a press release, the impact is way better. It is quite hard to doubt a press release that is based on pure facts, appearing in a credible site, and was prepared by a seasoned journalist. You'll get better response with your audience if you use press releases for promotion.

But this doesn't mean that you have to spend a fortune for press release articles right now. You can leave the big bucks to big companies. If you want to make press release articles without letting go of your precious money, start doing them yourself. Of course you can't expect your crafted articles to be obtained by the giant news networks like CNN and CNBC just yet. You're not a seasoned journalist so don't dream too high. But you can certainly start small and proceed from there.

Create a powerful press release by following its standard format. You should also use straight facts alone. No flowery words and false promises - only hard facts. Don't promote your product directly. What you should do is paint a good picture of it in the background. This way, you'll definitely gain loads of low cost lead traffic to your site.

Learn how 7 figure earners get 50-100 leads per day using similar stategies:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Free Ebooks that Drives Low Cost Lead Generation Traffic:

Malaleuca Distributors are Using Free Ebooks to Drive Enormous Low Cost Lead Traffic to Their Website:

Creating your own ebook is not an easy task but consider creating one for free nonetheless. It may seem like an act of insane generosity at first glance but there’s a method to this madness. With the right techniques, one free ebook can help drive enormous low cost lead generation traffic to your site.

Tip #1

Be sure you are using the right keywords for your website. The keywords “free ebooks” are among the most powerful generators of website traffic. People love to get things for free and if they find out you’re offering a free ebook in your website, they’ll definitely come and visit. Once they get there, it’s up to you to make the most out of their visit and turn that visitor into one ofthe best mlm lead.

Tip #2

Set conditions for people to comply with before you let them download your free ebook. It doesn’t mean you’re making it harder for them, but rather, you’re just maximizing on the opportunity provided by your free ebook. You may, for instance, require them to provide you with your email address before they can download the ebook. You must of course be honest with what you’d do about it. Be clear that you will only use their email address to contact them about updates on your website and that you won’t share their information with other parties.

Tip #3

Establish short-term agreements with other ebook authors. You can write a review for them on your website, that contains a link to their website and vice versa. It’s all about give and take!

Tip #4

Promote your ebook in all possible places. You can talk about it in forums you frequently visit and participate in, blogs you commonly visit, other websites you can submit entries to, and anywhere else that gives you adequate space to talk about your free ebook.

Tip #5

Change the signature in your email to one that will invite readers to visit your website so they can avail of your free-ebook offer. Because you’re offering something for free, people are more likely to respond to it than any other invitation that does not mention those two magical words: free ebook. Secondly, using it as your signature will eliminate the possibility that you’ll forget to include the invitation in your email. It will always be there because the signature is part of your email template!

Do the same with any other systems that require use of signatures.

Tip #6

One part of your ebook should contain an interesting anecdote as well as a link to your website. This must also contain essential information about the main topic of your ebook. Use this as an excerpt. People who read it will not only have a taste of your free ebook but also get to see the link to your website.

Tip #7

Insert the URL of your website in all possible places of your ebook. This should be done without destroying the coherence and flow of your writing. You want readers to remember that you have a site they can visit to without making it so obvious!

Tip #8

Create podcast discussions about your free ebook offer and of course don’t forget to mention your website link. Create the video version and upload it in You Tube.

Follow all eight tips and you’re sure to find the low cost lead traffic to your website soaring high!

For more tips and strategies that the 7 figure earners use each day to generate between 50-100 leads per day. CLICK HERE:

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Malaleuca Distributors Are Learning How Generating Low Cost Leads Brings More Traffic to Their Website:

Why Traffic Is Important to a Malaleuca Website:

No matter the nature of your website, you'll want to have as much traffic running through it as possible. Granted, you might actually be running a self contained site whose only purpose is to help you sell to a certain niche crowd, so you figure that you DON'T need low cost lead traffic generators because the only traffic you need to attract is the people from your target market right? Wrong. No matter how specialized your site is, you can always benefit from additional traffic running through it. There are several reasons for this, ranging from simple common sense to ideas which should help you make more money if you implement them.

First off, no matter how specialized your website may be, added attention from other people may still matter one way or another. For all you know, a greater interest in your product, topic, or whatever else your website is presenting may crop up from people who formerly had no interest in the subject matter whatsoever, just because they visited your site and liked what they saw. This leads them to find others who ARE into the subject matter to ask more about it. Naturally, when they ask these people (usually in forums) about them, they also get asked how they heard about the subject matter. Your website's name Malaleuca, pops up, and if anyone on those forums hasn't heard about your site before, they have now...

Another reason you'll want more low cost lead traffic coming to your site is that a lot of popular search engines not only rely on word-matching to place a website higher on their hierarchy. They also check the number of most recent hits on a site within a given time period. Basically, the higher the number of hits you've gotten, the higher you get placed on the search engine's profile. This is a fact that is actually overlooked by quite a number of websites, who think that having key words "designed" for a website's search patterns are enough to significantly increase their rank on the hierarchy.

On a money-making aspect, there are also quite a few websites which earn additional revenue simply by getting propective MLM leads to look at their site. While not everyone opts for this, it's generally a good idea to take into consideration. Earning even just a little bit of extra revenue for something as simple as adding links to other websites on your site can be a low maintenance and effortless way to get money. Still, this assumes you can work out a deal with another site to begin with - and this is where having a high volume of traffic comes in.

Sites which offer payments to other sites for posting links to theirs generally give better terms to those which have high volumes of low csot lead traffic to begin with. If you have low traffic and suddenly decide to go this route, you might find yourself with stricter terms, like getting paid only when people click the links to their sites AND purchase something. Whereas if you are a high traffic site, you might be able to work out getting paid per visitor to YOUR site as long as you post banners and ads for their site too. Generally, the higher your volume of traffic the more bargaining power you'll have.

Learn how the 7 figure earners generate massive traffic each day by CLICKING HERE: