Digestive system health will help keep you moving forward.
A growing number of health experts agree...internal cleansing and detoxification help prepare your body for optimal health.
Think of an air filter that's rarely (or possibly, never) cleaned. Not a pretty picture is it? And when you think of the effects of this dirty build up, the image gets much worse. A dirty filter means clean air can't circulate properly. In fact, it most often causes dirty air and unclean particles to pass back through the system, potentially leading to costly damage. Much like a filter, your digestive system can benefit from a regular cleansing program and consistent support for healthy function.
The digestive system is one of the largest organ system in the body and certainly one of the most important because of its direct association with so many other health issues. It's made up of the digestive tract, comprised of the mouth, esophagus, stomach intestines, and colon, as well as digestive organs, including the liver and pancreas.
When the food you eat is properly digested, the healthy nutrients are absorbed to provide the fuel the body requires for everyday wellness and vitality. Unfortunately, current eating trends, poor dietary choices, prescribed and over-the counter drugs, and a myriad of evironmental factors have created a situation where the digestive system becomes overburdened. It can struggle to function or eliminate efficiently.
That's when build up can occur, toxins accumulate, and the system will become challenged with problems, such as: heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, yeast infections, weight gain, lack of energy, or other conditions.
Your liver also performs essential functions, including the production of clotting factors, proteins, bile, and more than a thousand different enzymes; the packaging of cholesterol; the storage of energy to fuel muscles, maintenance of normal blood sugar concentration, the regulation of several hormones; and the detoxification of drugs and poisons.
Supplementing with nutrients that support healthy digestive system and liver function can promote your body's ability to filter out the bad and absorb all the good. And, when you maintain healthy system function, you'll also help optimize all the other great things you do for your body...like when you're eating right and staying physically active.
A full intestinal cleanse at least twice each year, followed up by weekly maintenance and quality detoxification support, can set the stage for a fresh start as you continually renew your commitment to a healthy lifestyle and weight management goals.
Health Maintenance
Once you achieve your health and fitness goals, don't compromise on your success. Keep up on your full intestinal cleanse and detox, and maintain healthy living with these tips:
Follow a healthy diet that includes foods rich in fiber
Drink plenty of water
Support health immune system function
Supplement with whole plant concentrates, including nutrient rich greens
Compliment your healthy lifestyle with products that promote
regularity and healthy digestive function
Maintain levels of good bacteria within your system
Supplement your body with digestive enzymes
Take in nutrients that support healthy liver function
You're so smart! Love, Kathleen