Saturday, October 17, 2009

Pass Up the Sushi - and Worms

Parasites Cause Liver Cancer.

sushiLiver fluke, a dangerous parasite that infects millions of people, is a major cause of bile duct (or liver) cancer in humans. Symptoms include right-upper-quadrant abdominal pain as the liver becomes enlarged and tender.

New research at George Washington University shows that this parasite produces hormones that lead to uncontrolled cell growth—or cancer—in its human hosts. Common in undercooked fish and seafood, liver fluke eggs are also passed on by cattle and sheep.

Water from contaminated pastures can spread these parasites to aquatic plants like watercress. Other vegetables—fresh bamboo shoots and water chestnuts—harbor encysted liver fluke larvae.

Scary as it is, liver fluke is only one possible parasite in sushi (raw fish). A recent news story reported a 9-foot tapeworm in one sushi fan. This worm can grow to 25 feet!

The largest parasite in humans, fish tapeworm is common in Alaska, Canada, the Great Lakes, parts of Asia and Europe, and Australia. This worm causes digestive problems—include pain and a feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen, nausea, and anorexia.

Pacific rockfish (red snapper) and salmon as well as cod and herring carry another worm. Anisakine larvae cause severe inflammation and pain that mimics appendicitis, ulcers, or stomach cancer.

Dr. Ann Louise’s Take:

Parasites are responsible for an enormous panorama of human health problems. Worms are very well equipped to gain access to the human body, where they can reproduce through unique life cycle processes that evade our own defenses.

Previous research reveals yet another human parasite in fish—the eustronglides worm found in a once-a-month sushi eater who complained of severe abdominal pain. During an operation for appendicitis, the surgeon found the patient had a normal appendix—but a 10-inch pinkish-red worm.

Raw fish dishes—especially sushi and sashimi—have become increasingly popular in this country. To avoid parasites in raw fish, choose safe sushi dishes made with avocado, cucumber, or cooked crab and shrimp.

But you don’t need to eat raw fish to find worms in your food. Because microwaves don’t always cook evenly, seafood cooked by this method is often underdone and can harbor live parasites.

Other research reports a case in which a woman noticed worms squirming around in an uneaten piece of fish she had cooked in her new microwave. Lab examination shows they were anisakid worms.

Always check the internal temperature of fish cooked in a microwave in several different places. Fish must reach an internal temperature of 140 degrees F for at least 5 minutes.

Look for Pacific salmon or rockfish (red snapper) that has been commercially blast-frozen to help eliminate parasites. Unless you are an experienced sushi chef—and know which species are likely to be infected by parasites and can spot larvae—don’t prepare raw fish at home.


I thought this blog was extremely important for those of you who enjoy eating sushi. To better protect yourself as explained above, probiotics puts good bacteria in the lining of your digestive tract to prevent you from the harmful effects of the live bacteria you are ingesting.


  1. I know sushi purists prefer fish that's never been frozen, I would choose to eat sushi from fish that's been flash frozen. The rumour is that many places secretly have fish that's been frozen, but they don't like to admit it. I wish they would! I'd eat more!

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