Saturday, October 31, 2009

David Wood's Recommended Internet Marketing Toolbox

You started your MLM Home Business in order to achieve financial security in your retirement years. You ask yourself why it is, that it isn't giving you your financial freedom that you expected and so deserve.

My friend and mentor David Wood's has some recommendations to get your network marketing business on the road to success. CLICK HERE:

Here’s My Personal ‘Must Have‘ Internet Marketing Tool-Box:

Here on this page you’ll find a recommended list of resources that I personally use. I take this page very seriously, and you will not find anything on here that I don’t personally use at least several times per week. My goal is to eventually have EVERY SINGLE useful product that I personally use listed here, along with a video explaining exactly how I use it.

ALL of these tools have been well researched and are the best in their class, and they come with the highest recommendation. So without any further introduction, let’s begin:

MLM Lead System Pro:

The first thing that you need to create if you’re marketing your business like a professional in the MLM industry is your own personal Attraction Marketing System that brands YOU as the leader. There’s a lot of systems out there, and out of all of them I have to say that the very BEST is MLSP Pro. Really, there isn’t any comparison. The difference between MLSP Pro and all of the other systems out there is that when you design your system with MLSP, it looks to your prospects like YOU DESIGNED the entire system. I personally use this lead system to generate more than 50 leads per day through search engine marketing strategies, and I earn thousands of dollars in additional cash flow through the built in affiliate programs. Quite frankly, if you’re trying to build an MLM business online without it, you’re crazy.

Automatic Article Submitter:

Quite frankly, Automatic Article Submitter is the BEST article software that exists on the internet. Article marketing, as you know, is my absolute favorite marketing strategy, and I use it to drive 95% of my website traffic. Simply put, if I didn’t have it, there is no way I would have been able to get 10,000 visitors to my main marketing website in it’s first six weeks. Look, I’ve used almost every article submission and creation software out there at one point or another, and I’ve used ALL of the main ones… There is simply NOTHING on the internet that is remotely close to as powerful as AAS, there is definately nothing as simple to use, and there is no other software that can do everything that this can, all rolled into one… If you are marketing your business online, click on the picture above and get the software right now, because it will absolutely blow your current traffic out of the water – I personally use this EVERY SINGLE DAY for my own business, and you should get it right now if you don’t have it already. After my first 5 weeks on a brand new website, I had 5,000 unique visitors, mostly from a strategy involving using this software. In the next week, I got 5,000 more visitors in ONE WEEK, making a total of 10,000 unique visitors in my first six weeks of using this software. Quite frankly, I can’t recommend it enough. Get it. To learn how I use Automatic Article Submitter, watch my video tutorial on Article Marketing, Module 2.

Traffic Geyser:

Video marketing is cool in a few different ways. First, the search engines index new videos in like five minutes. What that means is that if you put a piece of content out there via video, people can find it in Google searches FAST. To really use video marketing right, you need a way to get your content all over the internet fast, because manually uploading your videos to 20-30 sites isn’t just boring, it’s a waste of your time as an entrepreneur. Basically, Traffic Geyser streamlines the process by uploading your video to more than 30 videos sites, then it places automatic social bookmarks all over the internet pointing back to your videos, it automatically posts your videos on as many blogs as you’d like to ad, and it converts your video into a PodCast and updates about 10 podcast sites… Essentially what that means is that you create a video and in about 10 minutes you have 50-70 instantaneous backlinks to whatever it is your promoting. I’ve got a word for that kind of technology, and it’s ‘Badass’. All jokes aside, get Traffic Geyser and try it for a month. Make a blog post or write an article every day and make a short video (30 seconds) announcing your blog post and broadcast it with Traffic Geyser with a link back… If it doesn’t multiply your traffic by five times, cancel it before you’re charged, because you get a free month. Also, if you haven’t read it, check out my Awesome Traffic Geyser Strategy.

My Article Network:

My article network is the ‘Top Secret Blog Network’ that I’ve mentioned in a couple of my posts. I use this tool in combination with Automatic Article Submitter and it greatly enhances the long term effectiveness of the strategy. Essentially, I copy the same articles that I create with the Automatic Article Submitter, and then I paste them into my article network, and the service distributes the articles through the exclusive network gradually for as long as they remain in the system. Look, this doesn’t produce ridiculous, fast results like Article Submissions with AAS does. What this product is great for is keeping your website at page 1 rankings once you get there through the other article marketing strategies I mention. I have some articles that have been distributed to more than 400 different blogs through this service, and it just increases in effectiveness with time. This is one of THE BEST tools on earth to permanently increase your rankings and social web presence. Watch out for a video that I’m going to make in the next day or two that’s going to explain how I use this tool. It’s awesome.

eZs3 Video Hosting:

At some point in your business, you’re probably going to want to be producing your own private training videos that are exclusive to your site. To really take advantage of video marketing, you need to have excellent loading speeds, and it helps to have something simple to use. Out of all of the video hosting services out there, eZs3 is the BEST. This is not for the novice marketer, as most people just starting out have no need for this sort of thing. This is for the serious entrepreneur who wants to have their business STAND OUT from the crowd. This is the same hosting that all of the online MLM leaders use to create their professional videos, including Jonathan Budd, Norbert Orlewicz, Brian Fanale, Myself, and others. If you’re creating your own training content, get it. You’ll be glad you did. Click Here To Learn More About eZs3 Video Hosting.

1 comment:

  1. An insightfull post on"David Wood's Recommended Internet Marketing Toolbox".And I would like to say that I'm living my dream of owning my own business and working from home earning equally or more than the regular jobs by using

    John- Working Moms make more


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