Saturday, October 31, 2009

David Wood's Recommended Internet Marketing Toolbox

You started your MLM Home Business in order to achieve financial security in your retirement years. You ask yourself why it is, that it isn't giving you your financial freedom that you expected and so deserve.

My friend and mentor David Wood's has some recommendations to get your network marketing business on the road to success. CLICK HERE:

Here’s My Personal ‘Must Have‘ Internet Marketing Tool-Box:

Here on this page you’ll find a recommended list of resources that I personally use. I take this page very seriously, and you will not find anything on here that I don’t personally use at least several times per week. My goal is to eventually have EVERY SINGLE useful product that I personally use listed here, along with a video explaining exactly how I use it.

ALL of these tools have been well researched and are the best in their class, and they come with the highest recommendation. So without any further introduction, let’s begin:

MLM Lead System Pro:

The first thing that you need to create if you’re marketing your business like a professional in the MLM industry is your own personal Attraction Marketing System that brands YOU as the leader. There’s a lot of systems out there, and out of all of them I have to say that the very BEST is MLSP Pro. Really, there isn’t any comparison. The difference between MLSP Pro and all of the other systems out there is that when you design your system with MLSP, it looks to your prospects like YOU DESIGNED the entire system. I personally use this lead system to generate more than 50 leads per day through search engine marketing strategies, and I earn thousands of dollars in additional cash flow through the built in affiliate programs. Quite frankly, if you’re trying to build an MLM business online without it, you’re crazy.

Automatic Article Submitter:

Quite frankly, Automatic Article Submitter is the BEST article software that exists on the internet. Article marketing, as you know, is my absolute favorite marketing strategy, and I use it to drive 95% of my website traffic. Simply put, if I didn’t have it, there is no way I would have been able to get 10,000 visitors to my main marketing website in it’s first six weeks. Look, I’ve used almost every article submission and creation software out there at one point or another, and I’ve used ALL of the main ones… There is simply NOTHING on the internet that is remotely close to as powerful as AAS, there is definately nothing as simple to use, and there is no other software that can do everything that this can, all rolled into one… If you are marketing your business online, click on the picture above and get the software right now, because it will absolutely blow your current traffic out of the water – I personally use this EVERY SINGLE DAY for my own business, and you should get it right now if you don’t have it already. After my first 5 weeks on a brand new website, I had 5,000 unique visitors, mostly from a strategy involving using this software. In the next week, I got 5,000 more visitors in ONE WEEK, making a total of 10,000 unique visitors in my first six weeks of using this software. Quite frankly, I can’t recommend it enough. Get it. To learn how I use Automatic Article Submitter, watch my video tutorial on Article Marketing, Module 2.

Traffic Geyser:

Video marketing is cool in a few different ways. First, the search engines index new videos in like five minutes. What that means is that if you put a piece of content out there via video, people can find it in Google searches FAST. To really use video marketing right, you need a way to get your content all over the internet fast, because manually uploading your videos to 20-30 sites isn’t just boring, it’s a waste of your time as an entrepreneur. Basically, Traffic Geyser streamlines the process by uploading your video to more than 30 videos sites, then it places automatic social bookmarks all over the internet pointing back to your videos, it automatically posts your videos on as many blogs as you’d like to ad, and it converts your video into a PodCast and updates about 10 podcast sites… Essentially what that means is that you create a video and in about 10 minutes you have 50-70 instantaneous backlinks to whatever it is your promoting. I’ve got a word for that kind of technology, and it’s ‘Badass’. All jokes aside, get Traffic Geyser and try it for a month. Make a blog post or write an article every day and make a short video (30 seconds) announcing your blog post and broadcast it with Traffic Geyser with a link back… If it doesn’t multiply your traffic by five times, cancel it before you’re charged, because you get a free month. Also, if you haven’t read it, check out my Awesome Traffic Geyser Strategy.

My Article Network:

My article network is the ‘Top Secret Blog Network’ that I’ve mentioned in a couple of my posts. I use this tool in combination with Automatic Article Submitter and it greatly enhances the long term effectiveness of the strategy. Essentially, I copy the same articles that I create with the Automatic Article Submitter, and then I paste them into my article network, and the service distributes the articles through the exclusive network gradually for as long as they remain in the system. Look, this doesn’t produce ridiculous, fast results like Article Submissions with AAS does. What this product is great for is keeping your website at page 1 rankings once you get there through the other article marketing strategies I mention. I have some articles that have been distributed to more than 400 different blogs through this service, and it just increases in effectiveness with time. This is one of THE BEST tools on earth to permanently increase your rankings and social web presence. Watch out for a video that I’m going to make in the next day or two that’s going to explain how I use this tool. It’s awesome.

eZs3 Video Hosting:

At some point in your business, you’re probably going to want to be producing your own private training videos that are exclusive to your site. To really take advantage of video marketing, you need to have excellent loading speeds, and it helps to have something simple to use. Out of all of the video hosting services out there, eZs3 is the BEST. This is not for the novice marketer, as most people just starting out have no need for this sort of thing. This is for the serious entrepreneur who wants to have their business STAND OUT from the crowd. This is the same hosting that all of the online MLM leaders use to create their professional videos, including Jonathan Budd, Norbert Orlewicz, Brian Fanale, Myself, and others. If you’re creating your own training content, get it. You’ll be glad you did. Click Here To Learn More About eZs3 Video Hosting.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Fight the Flu – The Missing Link Nobody Talks About

Here is another health blog brought to you by the Queen of Nutrition Ann Louise Gittleman. This is by far the most important piece and everyone should take this into account when trying to fight the flu.

Sleep Is Critical to Healthy Immunity.

sleep_linkPeople exposed to a respiratory virus are three times more likely to get sick if they get less than seven hours of sleep at night, a recent study finds. Trouble is most Americans only sleep about six and a half hours—one hour less a night than we slept in the ’50s.

News from scientists at the University of Chicago and at NIH in Washington DC is even more sobering. We actually need nine and a half hours of sleep at night for at least seven months out of the year—preferably between October and June—for healthy immunity.

“Maintaining the immune system may be the reason sleep has evolved,” explains Brian Preston, PhD, a researcher at Germany’s Max Planck Institute. Mammals that sleep the longest have six times the immune cells as those that sleep less.

Besides fighting the flu, nature’s “missing link”—sleep—helps your immune system ward off diabetes, heart disease, cancer, obesity, and severe depression. Lack of sleep even disturbs normal brain activity and vision, causing over 100,000 car accidents a year.

Now that we’re plugged in 24/7 with our iPhones and iPods, who wants to sleep when you can check your emails, chat with friends, and text the world—anytime of night? Talk about unremitting stress!

When we turn our clocks back next week to end daylight savings, we also disturb the body’s internal clock. This throws off our natural sleep-wake cycle and impacts hormones like cortisol and melatonin that influence this critical “missing link.”

Dr. Ann Louise’s Take:

The most dramatic event humans have experienced happened less than 80 years ago. Electricity and bright lights at night have changed us forever.

When it’s dark, the body naturally produces the hormone melatonin to ready your system for sleep and help you snooze through the night. Five times stronger than vitamin C, melatonin is a potent antioxidant that controls immunity.

What to Do?

Exercise outdoors in the sun to boost melatonin. Start dimming lights when the sun goes down to ready your body for sleep. I even wear special amber glasses to knock out the melatonin-blocking rays from blue light.

When I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I use special nightlights that block blue rays. Don’t flick on those strong overhead lights because they’ll zap your melatonin and you won’t be able to get back to sleep. Taking 3 to 15 mg of melatonin a night can also be helpful.

Balance Hormones

Other hormones also impact how well women sleep. Starting in puberty, fluctuating hormone levels make females two and a half times more likely than males to suffer insomnia.

During perimenopause and menopause hot flashes disrupt women’s sleep. (We all sleep more soundly when we’re slightly cool.) Progesterone is the hormone that helps women sleep well in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy—before heartburn, leg cramps, and frequent urination disturb sleep.

Chill Out

Unfortunately, the female hormone estrogen raises levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Women have higher levels of this stress hormone when estrogen rises during their menstrual cycle—but progesterone helps even cortisol out and improves sleep.

It’s important to relax at night for sound sleep—so turn off those scary news stories about swine flu. I also recommend Adrenal Formula to combat stress in today’s 24/7 lifestyle.

The Bottom Line

Stack those Zzz’s to stay healthy—especially in cold and flu season when your immune system needs all the help it can get. Take 400 mg of Magnesium before you go to bed. I rotate between melatonin, tryptophan—the precursor for relaxing serotonin—and magnesium.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another View of the Flu

posted by Wendy Strgar Oct 26, 2009 1:10 pm

The fear of the swine flu epidemic is gradually being replaced by the reality of it landing at home. I am not proud to admit that my children were the first to be diagnosed at their school in the first weeks of school and the last weeks of our Oregon Indian summer. As the final days of warm sunny weather teased, my children lay in bed too sick to notice. Thus far we have been through three versions of the swine, and the varied symptoms have taken on the colloquial “he’s swining big time” as all of their friends fall like dominoes to the illness. And although most of October is a blur of home remedies, I am relieved to not be worried about getting it anymore.

This is not to make light of the rare cases in which immune deficiency has real and frightening costs. There are enough exceptions to the typical swine course and an alarming number of secondary infections that warrant careful attention. Still, with the continuous mass media warnings and the mass of flu shots being distributed without full testing, it is easy to see how panic can build.

Treating this new illness with love, which is to say the opposite of fear, might provide some insights and maybe even make the experience a teacher. This flu infection moves fast and goes into the chest deeply. This is a time to protect and love the immune system by applying all of the standard wellness advice about eating well, sleeping enough and getting regular exercise and fresh air. Supplementing with multi-vitamins, Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 as well as herbal formulas like Echinacea is another effective way to support your immune system. My three favorite natural remedies for this flu which were really effective for all my kids included Nature’s Way Umcka (preferred flavors were cherry and berry), Boiron’s Oscillococccinum homeopathic formula, and Wellness Formula. For the record, I have never gotten any free bottles of these products for all the support I give them–they just work.

Yet, even with all the remedies I had on hand, once in the system, the flu progressed and all my kids got sicker. Their fevers spiked high for the first couple of days and our home became the center of life again in the way it is on holidays. The schedule was off, no one was going anywhere and they all wanted company and assurances. It had been years since I lay in bed for an afternoon nap with any of my children as they are all in their teens, but this week the swine flu had us in bed falling asleep in the early afternoon light of autumn.

I welled up with the tenderness of the moment, as I lay next to my son, his hand in mine, and reflected that this might well be the last time I held my adolescent son’s hand as he fell asleep beside me. Even my high school senior had all his hard edges soften as we went through several linen changes per day. He was contemplative and wanted to share his thoughts, giving me a chance to hear him as I hadn’t in months. My youngest daughter curled around me and held onto me like an anchor to life through her feverish nights.

Don’t get me wrong, the swine flu is a tenacious and lively virus. It takes days after you are well to really get over it and doing too much can easily lead to relapse, but given its proper respect, this flu can also put things in perspective.

Dealing with any illness forces you recognize that the central axis of life is health. There really is nothing else that life can give us or that we can give it, without the amazing and often taken for granted experience of well being. The day my 13-year-old son left the house again after five days of confinement, he exclaimed at the color of the trees, the bigness of the fields and skies. It was like watching him see it for the first time. Illness reorganizes our priorities and focuses our attention on the pieces of life that matter most. The tenderness of life is always right next to us. Illness sets that tenderness apart, holds it up to the light of day. If we are lucky we don’t just get well, we get fresh eyes to see how well we really are.

For more on H1N1, see the Care2 Swine Flu Project.

Does Detoxing Really Work?

posted by Mel, selected from Natural Solutions magazine Oct 26, 2009 3:01 pm

By Catherine Guthrie, Natural Solutions

Few concepts are more ubiquitous in the lexicon of alternative medicine than detoxing. Peruse the shelves at any health food store and you’ll find detox teas, detox herbal blends, detox tinctures, and detox kits complete with all of the above–everything you need to purge your body of its chemical stockpile. Not sure you want to tackle your toxins alone? Just pick up the phone and dial an alternative-minded spa. Colonics and multiday juice fasts are nearly as commonplace as hot stone massages and reflexology.

Detoxing is a booming business, and why shouldn’t it be? What person in her right mind wouldn’t want to lighten her toxic load? (No thanks, I just topped off my mercury level at the dentist yesterday.) Besides, Americans are easy targets. With so many other things beyond our control–terrorists, snipers, cowboy economics–at least we can take comfort in being the masters of our own Superfund sites.

And according to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)–informally known as the “body burden” study–our bodies are full to bursting. Between 1999 and 2000, CDC scientists tested the blood and urine of 2,500 people for 116 different chemicals. Not one man, woman, or child tested squeaky-clean.

“We’ve known that toxins in the environment could potentially wind up in humans, but this is the first time we’ve actually been able to see it,” says Jim Pirkle, director of the CDC’s environmental health lab and the study’s lead investigator. “This is not what might have gotten into you, this is what did get into you.”

Detox devotees are convinced environmental toxins are to blame for a range of ills–everything from fatigue to cancer–and that our number one priority should be to get rid of them. But is there any truth to the notion of humans as toxic waste disposals? And, if so, is detox really the answer?

The CDC’s report is one of the first scientific papers to spell out the sheer variety of toxic residues lurking in human bodies. But people have been ceremonially cleansing themselves long before the advent of dioxins and PCBs. Native Americans use sweat lodges for religious and purification rites; in India, an age-old system of healing, called ayurveda, is built around ridding the body of toxins. “Detoxing has been an integral part of traditional systems of healing for millennia,” says James Gordon, a physician who is founder and director of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, D.C. “Common sense would suggest that maybe it does some good.”

But is common sense enough? Scientific evidence that detoxing can prevent or treat disease is lacking. In fact, it’s not even easy to prove that a person’s average exposure to chemical cocktails is detrimental to his or her health. “Just because you can measure something in people doesn’t mean it’s dangerous,” says Pirkle. “Certainly lots of levels we’re measuring are perfectly safe.”

However, proponents cite circumstantial evidence, such as the parallel rise of environmental contaminants and rates of some diseases. Cancer rates, for example, have risen between 20 and 50 percent since 1970. Asthma diagnoses have jumped 75 percent since 1980. And the number of children diagnosed with autism leaps 17 percent each year.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

7-Figure Networker Opens his Prospecting War-Chest TONIGHT @ 9:00PM Eastern


It's on tonight:

97% of Network Marketers Fail PERIOD,
and one of the biggest reasons WHY networkers
fail is because they have no idea how to PROSPECT.

They feel uncomfortable asking for money, and...


100% of the networkers who struggle simply were
never trained on how to get into the minds of
their prospects, and to connect at the deepest level possible.

When you understand the PSYCHOLOGY of why your
prospects do what they do and say what they say, it's game over.

You will then be able to sponsor new distributors at will.

And tonight I've grabbed a 7-figure earner in the
network marketing industry who has MASTERED
the art of prospecting, and he'll be showing YOU
EXACTLY how the big boys & girls work the phones
to generate healthy 5-figure monthly residual checks. ;)

Trust me, you can't afford to miss this one.

TONIGHT, Wednesday Oct. 28th at 9:00 PM EST.
Register here:

Live Marketing & Training Call for MLMLeadSystemPRO Members and Guests.
Join Us this Wednesday Night and listen live.

9PM Eastern
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific

Time Converter Link:

If you're not at least making $10K / month with your
network marketing business, chances are it's because
you haven't perfected this skill.

Because when you do, you'll know it… and so will
your accountant :)

Learn how your prospects think, why they say
what they say, and how you can use this knowledge
to create a fortune through the network marketing

See you tonight

Cheryl Diamond

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I See A HUGE Opportunity For Us Here...

I received a rather interesting newsletter from one of my mentor's Mike Dillard, and since it hit the point right on, I thought it may also benefit you as well.

So an interesting dilemma arose recently at home... The financial downturn is beginning to hit home for many, and my parents and some of their very successful friends are finally ready to step into the networking industry.


There's more money, and more freedom to be gained through that decision.

But that's also created a problem...

They don't know how to market online - at all. And they don't really want to... Ever.

And I can't say that I blame them.

They've done quite well for themselves using the people skills they've acquired over the last 40 years. The thought of spending the next 12+ months mastering PPC, HTML, and copywriting doesn't sound like the same kind of fun that it does for us in the "Nintendo Generation", nor will it allow them to reach their financial goals immediately.

Frankly, they're better off using "old-school" prospecting techniques, and so are most of their friends in the "baby-boomer" generation. That's what they know.

And I see a HUGE opportunity here for all of us...

This demographic is in dire need of the kind of opportunity our industry offers, but many of them feel overwhelmed by the daunting internet marketing learning curve they face, which leads me to...

Marketing 101: "Find a group of people with a need, and fill it."

In fact, I see such a large win here, that I've spent the last few months helping my primary networking company put together an entire OFF-LINE marketing system just for this group of people, which is far LARGER than the young internet savvy whipper-snappers like myself.

So here's the deal...

If you're one of the "baby-boomers" who'd like to start building your business offline immediately...

If you want to sponsor the "Stars" in your life that you know, or run into daily like your real-estate agent, doctor, etc...

If you want to be able to hit the ground running, and start building your business on day one, while you learn the internet marketing stuff over time...

Then I'm going to hook you up with some training from my long-time friend and mentor, Todd Falcone.

Todd's the BEST offline prospector and recruiter that I know, and he taught both Mark Wieser (of Black Belt Recruiting), and myself, the rules of the game years ago.

Please join the call tonite:

"The Easiest Way To Recruit Boomers & Professionals Into Your Business..."

TONIGHT - 8:00 PM CST (Thursday, Oct 29th)

Dial: 512-879-2016
Access Code: 949989#

Monday, October 26, 2009

5 Prospecting Mistakes That Make a Network Marketer Look Like the Village Idiot

I was reading some information that caught my eye and I thought this may be helpful for some of you in the network marketing business. Larry Beacham is a very successful entrepreneur and I would like to share some of his wisdom with you. CLICK HERE:

Lead generation is the lifeblood of every business in the world, and without this activity your business will dry up faster than a drop of water hitting a hot skillet.

Network marketing is one of those businesses in which generating leads is not a matter of skilled marketing training, but of randomly pursuing a warm market of friends, family and associates.


This practice has been the ONLY approach that 99% of network marketers implement, and although its results have not proven to be "duplicatable," it is still the dominant strategy being imposed on the masses.


Now, I've come to realize that even though there are more efficient ways to get the job done, there are those that like the "classic" or "traditional" approach. Fine, have at it. But before you wander out into the street to do this, be careful to use the following as a guideline to avoid problems.


STOP USING THE "CURIOSITY" APPROACH: When someone asks you, "what is it?" prepare a professional answer and be prepared to follow up with quality information. Nothing burns me up more than to hear someone tell me, "You'll have to see it to understand it," or "It's a visual presentation." If you like rejection, then keep doing this foolishness.


DON'T PAWN PEOPLE OFF ON YOUR UPLINE: I really hate this one. If you are representing yourself as a business owner, then get educated enough to stand confidently before someone and speak about your business. Also, don't "double team" someone by calling them with your upline already on the line. GET PERMISSION FIRST. Be honest and tell them that you have someone on standby with superior knowledge and experience that you'd like to call on, and ask them if it will be o.k. to call them. Once they give the o.k., then you call. No one likes to be "ambushed."


DON'T MANUFACTURE A NEED THAT DOESN'T EXIST: I've heard network marketers asked the question, "do you look at ways to generate additional income?" and when prospect replies in the negative, the network marketer want to probe to find out why. MOVE ON! Stop trying to find a way to force the spoon in their mouth. If they are not hungry, it doesn't make sense to try and figure out why. Go find someone who's hungry.


AVOID LYING ABOUT YOUR INTENTIONS: I got an email from a network marketer that said they weren't trying to recruit me or sell anything, but only to help me with some free information. Lie! Unless they are operating a non-profit organization, everything they do is supposed to lead up to either a product sale or enrollment - and that's perfectly fine. Nobody is denying you the right to make money, but don't try to insult my intelligence with this non-sense. Just give your value and when I'm interested, I'll let you know.

NEVER EVER OVER-PURSUE: It's a big mistake to over-pursue someone for your business. How do you know when you're over-pursuing? When you're too involved in getting them to participate by calling, emailing, and texting constant reminders or "checking in." If you did a good enough job of identifying an existing problem that your product/opportunity can solve, you've been given permission to provide education, and they've confirmed a follow up, leave it at that. If they don't keep their commitment, that's not someone you really want to work with anyway, right? Don't ever look "needy" to someone; they won't respect you.


Make the most of your prospecting opportunities by raising the bar on your process.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Dig deep Into The DEADLIEST Skill of a 7-Figure Network

97% of Network Marketers Fail PERIOD, but I'm sure you've heard that before

…Pretty staggering statistic, yes?

There are many different reasons why network marketers fail… no real marketing training, the product is garbage, the comp plan doesn't pay enough, the company itself goes under, the list goes on & on.

But the #1 reason network marketers will failis because of one thing...


They simply can't connect. They don't know how to prospect. And they have no idea how to ask for money or "CLOSE" the sale!

And the sad part is, it's not their fault! They were simply never trained on how to get into the minds of their prospects, and to connect at the deepest level possible.

When you can dig that deep and understand the PSYCHOLOGY of why your prospects do what they do, it's game over. Your income will dramatically increase by a factor of 1,000!

That's what we're going to be unveiling this Wednesday,Oct. 28th at 9:00 PM EST. Learning how to master this critical component of network marketing is going to have a direct reflect on your bank account, and your future career as a network marketer.

Trust me, you can't afford to miss this one. Register here :

If you're not at least making $10K / month with your network marketing business, chances are it's because you haven't nailed down this component of your business.

Because when you do, you'll know it… and so will your accountant .

Learn how your prospects think, why they say what they say, and how you can use this knowledge to create a fortune through the network marketing industry.

See you Oct. 28th

Cheryl Diamond

Thursday, October 22, 2009

How To Be A Successful Online MLM Distributor (And Be YOURSELF, Too)

I came across this article written by David Wood, that I thought might interest any network marketers wondering how to drive more traffic to their business. I would like to share his writings with you.

Quite frankly, there are a lot of positives and negatives to building MLM organizations online, and many people don’t understand what it really takes to prosper in a company using technology to market themselves.

I got started in the MLM profession 7 years ago and I went through five years of painful business building experiences because I was taught how to do things that didn’t jive with my personality. Basically, I was told repeatedly to build lists of my friends, family and associates, but the problem was that I’m just not that social of a person. Don’t get me wrong, I do like to have fun and be with friends (and I do enjoy talking on the phone), but my relative group of friends has always been small.

So how does a person who enjoys alone time and doesn’t like hanging out in shopping malls and business networking events build a massive downline by using warm market lists? Well, they either change their personality or they just don’t do it, that’s how. It just so happens that I like myself… (Should I change my whole personality just to build a business?)

…So after 5 years, I actually figured this warm market thing out and built a massively successful group, but it just wasn’t me. Personally, flying all around the world doing meetings five nights a week just isn’t my definition of abundance, and that’s not what I wanted to create. So I needed a different way where I could still sponsor massive amounts of distributors without changing who I was.

People would always say ‘be duplicatable’ but you know what? I didn’t have ANY success until I decided that was complete crap and started doing things my own way. In fact, I’m so positive about MLM duplication being full of poo that I made this killer YouTube video explaining why:
That’s where learning how to run online MLM marketing campaigns comes in. Rather than building a list of friends and family, you can leverage yourself through creating a tidal wave of social interactions that happen automatically, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. For example, last month I had more than 30,000 visitors to my websites. I don’t think there’s any way that I could create that kind of exposure offline without paying an arm and a leg for traffic, and I certainly couldn’t do it by wandering around in Safeway…

So how do you enter the online world of MLM and become successful? It’s simple. All you’ve got to do is learn how to provide legitimate, lasting value to as many people as possible, and people will be attracted to working with you automatically, (you’ve just got to learn how to create massive exposure, and everything else is easy).

It’s as simple as that. For myself, I learned that I had gained an incredible amount of knowledge during my time offline building my business that translated into solutions to problems people were having online, so I took that knowledge and I conveyed it by writing articles, making videos, and sending empowering emails to people who subscribed to my list. Within two months, my phone was ringing off the hook all day and night with people who wanted to work with me. (I thought this was much cooler than hotel meeting…)

So ask yourself the question: What value can you provide that will set you apart? What are your strengths? Are you analytical? Do you know how to manage your time extraordinarily well? Do you know how to do powerful presentations or are you better at writing? How can you market your business and ENJOY yourself, too?

Knowing who you are is half the battle. Find your strengths and make a plan to expose the online world to the power of YOU, and you’ll go in the right direction, and get there faster than you can imagine.

If you feel like you don’t have any value to provide, you just haven’t yet discovered your strengths, that’s all. I have a special gift for you from a friend of mine, Mark Yarnell that I’m going to post up on my blog over the next couple of days. If you don’t know Mark, he’s earned more than $30,000,000 in the MLM profession over the last 20 years and he’s written several bestselling books. Mark’s going to come on my blog as a special guest and reveal what it ACTUALLY takes to build a massive MLM business, and the best part?

It doesn’t matter at all what your personality is. What matters is that you have a clear vision, that you’re willing to work, and that you have a MENTOR who can guide you with your strengths to reach the heights of success that you’ve always dreamed of. Now don’t get me wrong, you can’t be a wimp about life and succeed online in your MLM at the same time. MLM is not going to work for people who are lazy and afraid to take massive action.

However, marketing my MLM business online has truly been a blessing, and it has been a revolution in the way that I operate. I’ve been sponsoring 2-4 people every day into my company, with less effort than I’ve ever exerted to sponsor 2-4 people in a week… (and I’m just getting started). The simple fact is that online marketing isn’t just a good way to market my business, it’s the BEST possible way for ME.

However, we need to remember that this style of marketing isn’t for everyone. Some people will do dramatically better by sticking to traditional approaches, and some people just can’t stand technology. FIND YOUR STRENGTHS and build your business in a way that is attractive and FUN for YOU. I know that that flies in the face of the whole ‘be duplicatable’ philosophy, but have you EVER met an MLM leader that was living the lifestyle you’ve always wanted that was actually a duplicatable person? I never have, and I probably know a lot more MLM leaders than most of you.

ALL of them found a way to sponsor LOTS of distributors and ALL of them did it differently. Funny enough, 90% of them preach ‘be duplicatable and you’ll make it’. (But haven’t you tried that already?)

Those are the thoughts for today my friends, have a great day and we’ll talk again soon. Look out for my exclusive interview with Mark (this is just awesome). If you want to learn how I sponsor people with zero resistance, rejection, without talking to stupid cold leads all day, maybe online marketing will work well for your MLM, too. You can learn my strategies by signing up for my newsletter on the right of the page…

…see you soon, and be blessed my friends!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"Learning How To Motivate Your Group"

I have a quick question for you:

Have you ever been frustrated by the
people in your group that just can't seem to get going... All they ever do is
show up to the training calls and then pester you with questions or

Well what are you supposed to do? Ignore them? Motivate them? Cater to
their needs? Cut them off completely?

This was the latest question asked by a fellow subscriber, and you'll find
the surprising answer to this important dilemma in today's blog.

I have no problem with introducing my daily consumable products to
people and having repeat product ordering. We have a system in place to make
this simple. Everyone loves the products!

Most of those who come on board for the business, no matter how much
support I and my upline give, give up! If they're not making a living
in 12months...they're over it! I have tried in various ways to encourage
them, however, duplicating myself just doesn't happen. Why?"

That's a great question, and one that EVERY networker with at least 50
reps will start to wrestle with.

I remember feeling quite guilty... Almost depressed for some of the
people's lack of success on my team. In turn, I started spending the
vast majority of my time developing new websites, new systems, and new tools
in order to help them achieve the success they said they so badly wanted.

I basically stopped sponsoring all together and got into the dreaded
"management mode", where 90% of my time was spent on training and
tool development.

But the funny part, is that nothing ever changed. It didn't matter what I
did for them. It didn't matter how bad I wanted "success" for them.
The people who were getting results, continued to do so, while those who were
treading water, kept treading.

Understand this right now: The only thing you can do that will TRULY help
your business and your team members is to lead by example.

Just do the things that you need to personally do on a daily basis to build
your business - Advertising, Prospecting, Follow-up, and New Rep orientation.
One training call per week for new reps, tops...Spend more of your time
one-on-one with your producers, and that's it.

Just as it is a sorting game to find new reps, it is a sorting game to find
reps that will work and achieve once they join.

The sad truth is that 90% of those who start a networking business aren't
really serious about becoming self-employed. They are just looking to"buy
some hope", so they can quite the voices of discontent in their heads.

Soon enough, they'll find an excuse as to why "it didn't work for them",
and quit.

And there's NOTHING you can do about it - So don't spend your time and
energy worrying about it.

DO NOT cater to their weakness. Do not change your tools if they are
working for you. Do not change your websites if it is working for you.Do not
change your system if it is working for you - just because it doesn't work
for others... It never will, and it's their issue, not yours.

Build YOUR business.Lead by example, and the right one's (the few), will
follow you.Put your blinders on to everything and everyone else.

I tolerate ZERO negativity in my life now. Someone sends an unfriendly
email...Adios. They're off my list and out of my life.

I was at a convention once and I asked a WHALE of a networking what I needed
to do because my downline had gotten stagnant. (I had basically stopped
recruiting). "Find new blood" was his answer,and he was right.

You're not here to save people. You're here to give them an opportunity to
save themselves. Most won't. And only they can ever change that.

As a business owner,it's much smarter to find "Do-ers" and leaders than it
is to turn people into them, (which is basically impossible without their
personal conviction to do so).

It is also VERY important that you leverage LARGE numbers in your
business building efforts, because you won't even notice the
whiners, complainers, and quitters when you're dealing with thousands

The best way to do that is to start advertising, then build and maintain a
LIST that you drip on over time. Each new contact will bring new,interested
prospects and reps to the table.

If you're brand new to the internet world, or just don't really know how Building On A Budget" course.

It will teach you how to generate hundreds - even thousands - of FREE
leads per month using these 5 little-known, under-used online strategies
that are easy to follow and simple to learn.

In fact, this material is so easy, and so effective that I'll guarantee
your results...

If you don't produce at least 10-50 FREE leads per day using my techniques in Building On A Budget, you can send request a full refund at anytime over the next 12 months.

If you don't produce free leads, you don't pay for the course. It's that simple.


Mike Dillard

Cheryl Diamond

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

50% Closing Ratio… Seriously?

Check this out

I know a guy who can close right around
50% of the people he talks to on the phone.


Yes, you read that right.

And the astonishing part is that these prospects
are already sold on "HIM" before he even
picks up the phone. How cool is that?!

So I've got to ask you, how is
your business doing?

How is the leadflow coming?

Are you generating laser-targeted leads or are
you still buying the dead-beat leads from the
vendors your company recommends?

You realize that you have the ability to market
in a systematic, step-by-step, proven way that
will eliminate you EVER having to convince
Mr. or Mrs. Prospect again?

I'm going to invite you to a KILLER LIVE
prospecting session tomorrow, Wed. Oct. 21st
at 9:00 PM EST, where you will see how
incredibly simple it is to build YOUR business
if you get the marketing funnel set up properly…

Live Marketing & Training Call for Members and Guests.
Join Us this Wednesday Night and listen live.

9PM Eastern
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific

Time Converter Link:

Oh, and by the way, you can implement
this guy's EXACT marketing SYSTEM starting
tomorrow so that you too can build your
network marketing business on complete

You never thought prospecting would
be this easy, but then again you've probably
never marketed the way the top income
earners market.

See you tomorrow,

Cheryl Diamond

Do You Know Your Best Flu Defense?

Today it seems you turn on the TV and all you hear on the news is about H1N1. Anybody interested in learning what you can do to avoid the flu, please read this current blog, written by a doctor who is very knowledgeable when it comes to providing your body what it needs to overcome disease. Dr. Williams is known all over the world for information he gathers by traveling all over the world to bring us new and innovative material to keep us well.

Fall is here, and winter is just around the corner…again. Football, frost, and, more recently, flu shots are just a few of the things associated with this time of year. The first two are inevitable. The third is a matter of choice, which has been popularized more by marketing and propaganda than by effectiveness. Another recent study bears this out.

During the last two decades the flu vaccination rate among the elderly has increased from 15 to 65 percent, but there hasn’t been a corresponding decrease in hospital admissions or mortality.

A Canadian study involved 352 individuals given the flu vaccine and 352 matched control individuals who didn’t get the shot. Eighty-five percent of the participants were over age 64. Overall, 29 percent of these individuals came down with severe pneumonia, and 12 percent of the group died. At first glance, it appeared that the flu vaccination reduced the mortality rate by about 50 percent. Only 8 percent of those receiving the vaccine died, compared to 15 percent of those not receiving the shot. Most other studies come to a similar conclusion and report findings like these as a matter of fact—but this study went a little further.

The researchers in this study not only adjusted for factors such as age, gender, and co-existing illnesses, they also took into account what they refer to as the “healthy-user effect.” This is one very important factor that hasn’t been considered in the earlier studies.

Dr. Sumit Majumdar, the lead researcher, explains the healthy-user effect describes what most doctors refer to as their “good” patients. These are the ones who take a serious approach to their health by exercising regularly, not smoking, drinking in moderation, taking supplements or necessary medications, et cetera. When you include this factor into the evaluation, taking the flu vaccine didn’t have any significant effect on mortality. In other words, if someone is otherwise healthy they probably have a better chance of surviving a serious flu infection than someone who is already frail and in ill heath. The flu vaccine doesn’t change the mortality rate in either the already-healthy group or the already-ill group.

Despite the overwhelming evidence that the flu vaccination program offers no benefit, I’m sure it will go on and on like most government-sponsored efforts. Most of the public, and health professionals alike, have been brainwashed into believing it’s saving lives. Personally, I would suggest spending your money and efforts on making sure you’re keeping your immune system in shape so you don’t get sick in the first place. Regular and adequate exercise and rest, a good diet, and clean water are an essential start to staying well. So is a sound daily supplement program. There are some key supplements, in addition to a daily multivitamin-mineral supplement, that can ensure your immune system stays strong and healthy. I recommend taking the following on a daily basis:

  • Vitamin D. Make sure you get vitamin D through sunshine or supplements. However, hardly anyone is making enough vitamin D from sunshine exposure during this time of year, so everyone should be supplementing their diet with 2,000 to 4,000 IU of vitamin D daily.

  • Vitamin C. Even without signs of a flu or cold, I take 2,000 mg of vitamin C each day.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How To Dominate The Competition...

I was reading some more work by Mike Dillard, the guru of Network Marketing, and I think this might help us understand how to work with the competition and I would like to share this piece with you.

I've dug into the mail bag and pulled out a whopper of a
question to share with you today...

I really like this one because the answer will allow you to dominate your
competition and can make you millions in whatever business you pursue if
you put it into action.

How's it done? Keep reading and find out...

"Hi Mike, I am in the real estate note industry. How would you market a
business like this online? My target audience would be potential note holders,
private and business."



This question doesn't relate to networking on the surface,
but in the end that doesn't matter because marketing is marketing no
matter what industry you're in, and I really like this question because
the answer will allow you to dominate your competition and can make
you millions in whatever business you pursue if you put it into action...

So how would I market a real estate note business online?

Well online or offline isn't really the primary determining factor or subject
matter here because they are both just communication mediums.
It's the marketing "ANGLE" that Brenda takes that will determine
if it's successful or not.

And of course, my answer follows what I teach in Magnetic Sponsoring
which is to position yourself as an expert and as a useful resource
within that industry.

Long story short: Brenda needs to sell HERSELF first, which will attract
her customers to her automatically.

Why? Because everyone wants to work with the best. Everyone wants
to work with the area's best doctor or realtor. Everyone wants to go to
the city's best plastic surgeon. Everyone wants to hire the best
financial planner. Everyone wants to buy from the number one sales person.

When you're "the best", your prices don't really matter anymore.
You can charge twice as much as you competition (think Mercedes,
Lexus, Porsche), etc...

Now here's the best part... You don't really need to be "the best",
because that's always relative and stems from opinion - whether it's
the opinion of your customers, or your opinion of yourself!

(Just ask your mom for a testimonial ;)

Ok ok...

Now the best way to sell yourself and position yourself as a valuable
resource to your customers is to "give without want."

And this simply means that you need to give VALUABLE information
freely to your target market.

If I were Brenda, I'd write several articles and reports with content like:

"The 5 Biggest mistakes People Make When Buying Real Estate Notes."


"The Biggest Kept Secret of The Real Estate Notes Industry,
And How it Can Save You Thousands!"

I would optimize these articles with the right keywords for my territory,
and then submit them to all of the webs article submission resource sites.
(This is a free lead generation strategy by the way...)

Now whenever someone does a search for real estate notes, Brenda's
articles will come up, providing the readers with valuable money saving
tips and suggestions.

If I were going to send potential clients a physical ad in the mail,
I would NOT promote my note prices or interest rates as the lead-in to the piece.

I WOULD mention them somewhere in the ad so I can capture the
guys who are looking and ready to buy TODAY, but they wouldn't
be the primary focus.

I WOULD promote my newsletter or free "Note Buying Secrets" Report...

Sell "insiders information" on the front end which will put them into
your communication pipe-line, position yourself as the "go-to guy",
and then your product or service on the backend.

Now I don't know the Real Estate Note Industry, but I DO know that
people are always looking for information that will help them make
the best decision they can make.

And because BRENDA is the author of that information and has her
pretty picture on it along with a link to her webpage, she has automatically
positioned herself as an expert in that arena that people will call.

This is EXACTLY what I did to build my 8-figure empire, and I'll take you
through the entire process in my Magnetic Sponsoring Course.

Best wishes,

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Here's The Secret Software I Used To Build

Mike Dillard is sharing the secrets to his success, and I want to pass them along to you.

I’m going to reveal the secret weapon I use on a daily basis to achieve incredible results in business.

It’s a piece of software that has built my entire little empire brick-by-brick, day-by-day…

It’s not DreamWeaver, Outlook, Front Page, 1ShoppingCart, or an auto-responder. No… I’m afraid to say that it’s just as lame, and yet just as important as the secret I revealed yesterday.

When I look out across this industry, I see two kinds of people…

Those who have made “execution” a daily habit, and those who have not.

Here's what I mean by that...

Many close friends and associates have noticed that I’ve acquired one particular trait over the years which has enabled me to achieve some incredible things.

It’s not that I’m smarter than anyone else, or that I’ve had better opportunities, or that I’ve had more money to start with, (which was definitively not the case).

They all say it comes down to one thing… “Mike, what makes you different than everyone else out there is that once you have an idea, you actually sit down and do it”.

To be honest, that never really occurred to me, and it made me stop and really think. I just took it for granted that if you have a great idea, you freaking do it right?

But most people don’t. They have an incredible idea and think about doing it. Day’s go by. Weeks go by. Months go by. Before they realize it, they’re still sitting in the same position they were a year before.

I don’t think about things, I do them.

I have an idea, and I execute that idea one little step at a time, each and every day until the project is complete.

Success is not a destination, it’s the result of a pattern of habitual behaviors.

That’s why you can take someone who’s had a track record in one field, and move them to another with the expectation that success will be achieved again.

It’s not the job, the business opportunity, the new marketing system, or the product that resulted in their success… It was their daily habits. They were “do-ers”.

There are successful people and unsuccessful people in every company – all using the same tools, the same websites, and the same system.

The difference is found in their daily habits.

So how you can you transition from a “thinker”, to a “do-er”?

Well that’s where my little secret software weapon comes into play. This little gem has been crucial in creating my habitual pattern of getting things done, producing millions in revenue in the process.

It’s called “WordPad”.

Also known as NotePad or TextEdit for Mac users, it’s that little program that opens up to a blank white page and just stares at you with a blinking cursor at the top.

You write text in it. That’s all. It doesn’t do anything what-so-ever, or even check your spelling.

Yes I know… Another big let down just like yesterday right?

Well here’s why this program is so valuable to you… It’s your new boss.

Every night before I go to bed, I pull up my Word Pad file which I save as “To-Do.txt”, and I write down five tasks that I must complete the following day in order of importance.

For example, here’s my actual “To Do List” for today:

To Do List:

1: Write and send MS newsletter.
2: Update Adwords campaign.
3: Run new headline split-test.
4: Finish Chapter 4 in “Building On A Budget”.
5: Return prospect phone calls and emails.
6: Read a book.

Now here’s what’s so magical about this process…

If you make your list the night before, you’ll subconscious will have all night to think about it.

The moment you wake up, you’re on task. You already know what your goals for the day are. You’re focused, and by starting your day with this focus and this purpose that’s already laid out for you, it allows you to ignore the onslaught of distractions that come with each new morning.

You’ll find that if you don’t have your To-Do List waiting for you in the morning, that you’ll get side-tracked immediately. Life happens. It gets in the way.

And unless you take back that control and focus, it will prevent you from accomplishing anything. This is the deadly trap you must avoid at all costs that's preventing you from achieving the results you want.

Above all other things, this little process of creating my To-Do List each night using nothing more than Word Pad, as allowed me to create the Magnetic Sponsoring empire.

The most sophisticated and effective marketing system in the industry was created one step at a time by my little Word Pad file.

And here’s my challenge to you…

Make a commitment to use my method for 30 days, starting tonight. Before you go to bed, make your list of 5 tasks that you MUST complete by the end of the next day.

They must be actions “tasks”, not goals.

If you do the tasks, your goals will be accomplished automatically.

Don’t put…

1: Sponsor a new rep
2: Get a new customer
3: Read a book
4: Etc…

If sponsoring a new rep or getting a new customer is the goal, focus on the tasks that will result in that goal like producing 20 new leads, and contacting previous prospects.

1: Send out a press release.
2: Send a newsletter to my list.
3: Add 3 new AdGroups to my PPC campaign.
4: Talk to at least 5 prospects.
5: Read Chapter 3 in “MLMTrafficFormula”

If you do this without fail for 30 days, you’ll be a completely different person, and you’ll have made more progress in one month, than you have in the past 12.

Pass Up the Sushi - and Worms

Parasites Cause Liver Cancer.

sushiLiver fluke, a dangerous parasite that infects millions of people, is a major cause of bile duct (or liver) cancer in humans. Symptoms include right-upper-quadrant abdominal pain as the liver becomes enlarged and tender.

New research at George Washington University shows that this parasite produces hormones that lead to uncontrolled cell growth—or cancer—in its human hosts. Common in undercooked fish and seafood, liver fluke eggs are also passed on by cattle and sheep.

Water from contaminated pastures can spread these parasites to aquatic plants like watercress. Other vegetables—fresh bamboo shoots and water chestnuts—harbor encysted liver fluke larvae.

Scary as it is, liver fluke is only one possible parasite in sushi (raw fish). A recent news story reported a 9-foot tapeworm in one sushi fan. This worm can grow to 25 feet!

The largest parasite in humans, fish tapeworm is common in Alaska, Canada, the Great Lakes, parts of Asia and Europe, and Australia. This worm causes digestive problems—include pain and a feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen, nausea, and anorexia.

Pacific rockfish (red snapper) and salmon as well as cod and herring carry another worm. Anisakine larvae cause severe inflammation and pain that mimics appendicitis, ulcers, or stomach cancer.

Dr. Ann Louise’s Take:

Parasites are responsible for an enormous panorama of human health problems. Worms are very well equipped to gain access to the human body, where they can reproduce through unique life cycle processes that evade our own defenses.

Previous research reveals yet another human parasite in fish—the eustronglides worm found in a once-a-month sushi eater who complained of severe abdominal pain. During an operation for appendicitis, the surgeon found the patient had a normal appendix—but a 10-inch pinkish-red worm.

Raw fish dishes—especially sushi and sashimi—have become increasingly popular in this country. To avoid parasites in raw fish, choose safe sushi dishes made with avocado, cucumber, or cooked crab and shrimp.

But you don’t need to eat raw fish to find worms in your food. Because microwaves don’t always cook evenly, seafood cooked by this method is often underdone and can harbor live parasites.

Other research reports a case in which a woman noticed worms squirming around in an uneaten piece of fish she had cooked in her new microwave. Lab examination shows they were anisakid worms.

Always check the internal temperature of fish cooked in a microwave in several different places. Fish must reach an internal temperature of 140 degrees F for at least 5 minutes.

Look for Pacific salmon or rockfish (red snapper) that has been commercially blast-frozen to help eliminate parasites. Unless you are an experienced sushi chef—and know which species are likely to be infected by parasites and can spot larvae—don’t prepare raw fish at home.


I thought this blog was extremely important for those of you who enjoy eating sushi. To better protect yourself as explained above, probiotics puts good bacteria in the lining of your digestive tract to prevent you from the harmful effects of the live bacteria you are ingesting.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Mike Dillard's Personal SEO Wizards Come Out of the Closet…

Mike Dillard & Company put their million-dollar
business in the hands of only 2 guys when it comes
to Search Engine Optimization, and last night
we got a complete overview of exactly what
is going on in their heads when they want to rank
on google for ANY keyword.

And these guys can rank at will meaning they can
pick out a keyword or phrase and within days
their sites will be all over the search engines
generating completely f*r*e*e, organic, laser-targeted
traffic to their websites.

How lethal is that?!

Do you think this 1 skill could make you more
money in your business endeavors???

If you missed last night's training with these
2 gurus, click here to get caught up to speed:

More importantly, get 100% completely f*r*e*e
training from these 2 wizards by subscribing to this list…
In fact, they're going to immediately give you
8 value-packed videos just for subscribing (you'll
see what I mean when you fill out the form).

Click here, fill out the form, and learn directly
from Dillard's SEO aces he's been hiding…

It's not every day you find guys at this level
who will give you this type of training and access
for F*R*E*E! I suggest you take advantage of it…

If these guys are good enough for Mike Dillard, I
think it might be worth your while to see what
they're all about.

Be like Mike:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

World War II Never Happened

I received an email from the most amazing leader in the network marketing business, and I had to share his thoughts and ideas.

World War II Never Happened, And I'll Prove It...

Hang with me on this one ... Not only will I prove this fact in the
text below, but I'll reveal the single most powerful secret in the world to
you in the process.

Read this entire message and it will all make perfect sense.

Alright... So something pretty “out there” occurred to me over the
last year.

You know… “What has this guy been smokin'?”, sort of stuff.

But when you consider that I went from $6,000 in debt and waiting tables,
to making over $80,000 a month in that short time span, something
extra-ordinary must have popped into my little noggin.

So for what’s it’s worth, here’s the underlying secret behind all of
the little things that happened which brought the end result to life.

It’s the secret within all of the self-help books that you’ve probably
read, but might have never really “gotten”. In fact, they probably left
you more frustrated than when you started.

I can relate. It took me about 6 years to finally comprehend this secret.
Until you get this part of your life and your head where it needs to be,
you will NEVER be successful. It is impossible.

You MUST get this right. There is no website, marketing system, lead
source, or product that will save you. If you don't get your head where it
needs to be, everything else is just a waste of time, money, and efforts.

Success in anything in life, including network marketing, is 90% mental,
and 10% mechanical (executing the business).

This is going to sound strange. Very strange. But, here’s what you
really need to “get”, and get fast…

Everyone of us lives in a different world and different reality.

In fact, there are six billion+ realities taking place on earth right now,
this very moment. Six billion!

And every single one of them is different. With six billion different
lists of rules for what is possible and what isn’t. With six Billion
different perceptions of one event. With six billion different ideas of
what truth, morals, and justice mean.

You live in a completely different reality than everyone else. I live in a
completely different reality than you do.

You make your rules.

I make mine.

You live by what you think is possible in your world. I live by what I
think is possible in mine.

There are six billion+ people, living in six billion+ realities that are
all different. And each person has created the rules that define their
reality, or has adopted the rules of others.

And here is the key to all of it… You have the power to completely
create the rules that define your reality. And you can do it instantly.
What was impossible today, can be possible tomorrow if you desire it to be.

This is what God meant when he said that he would grant our every
heart’s desire.
This is what Napoleon Hill describes in Think and Grow Rich.

You live in your own personal reality, limited by your own personal set of

This is important:

In any situation, the ideas, concepts, and beliefs of the person with the
strongest reality will be adopted by the other party.

Have you ever heard that saying that “sales are a transfer of belief
from one person to another”? Well that’s what that means.

When a sale is made, it means that your belief, or your reality, was
stronger than the other person’s, and so they adopted it. They bought
what you were selling because they bought into your reality.

Don’t believe me?

I’ll prove it.

There is a remote tribe of people called the Huli living in remote areas
of Papua New Guniea. Until recently, they have never been exposed to anyone
or anything outside of their immediate area. They live in a world of
endless forests with no other people. You and I truly do not exist.

There are no countries. There are no such things as plastic, steal, or
paper. The only flying objects are birds, and man has never been to the
moon. There are no governments and there is no stock-market.

The two world wars never took place. Electricity, telephones, and roads do
not even show up in their dreams.

They could never comprehend the sight of a beach, or open ocean. Whales,
sharks, and submarines? Nope. These things TRULY do not exist in their
world, and they would DIE to protect their reality of the world, just has
countless humans have died to protect their realities throughout history.

Yet, you and I know they are real.

We live in different realities, with different possibilities. But the
Huli’s reality is just as real to them, as yours is to you.

So what does this mean to you and your business?

People attract others who live in realities similar to theirs.

Magnetic Sponsoring is all about attraction marketing. Whether that has to
do with advertising "magnetic" offers, or developing a magnetic personality
that attracts others...

You will ONLY attract people who live in realities similar to yours...

This means that if you are sponsoring duds, it's because deep-down, you
believe you are a dud, and that is what's coming through to others.

Why is it that some people can sponsor top tier individuals with almost no
effort at all, while others continue to sponsor needy, broke people?

It's easy... Your reality is a reflection of the way you see yourself

If you TRULY believe you are already successful, then you will
automatically do the things that successful people do, which will
automatically attract other successful people.

You can't fake it. You can try... But you can't.

All of this stuff happens on it's own, without a conscious intent or
agenda. It's just your reality. It's just the "way things are".

Most people try to "get successful" before they start to act successful.

It doesn't work that way. The belief has to come first, which leads to
correct actions, which brings the results.

And the best part, is that you're only a decision away from creating your
new reality...

Entrepreneurs decide to define their own reality. They have come to
understand that they have this power.

They constantly create, and re-create the rules by which this world
operates based on new experiences and new knowledge.

They continually expand their universe by accepting new rules of
possibility discovered through reading, listening, and learning about the
realities of others who have what they seek.

There are business building strategies and techniques which can change
your life forever in minutes. Powerful things which are already part of
other people’s reality.

All you need to do is expose yourself to these people’s worlds, and open
yourself up to it. Be willing to adopt the rules they live by, and do
business by.

And as you do, your rules will change. Things which were once impossible
for you, will become possible.

Idea’s you’ve never had will start to flood you mind.
The outside world you live in will slowly begin to change as you place new
rules upon it.

This is what happened to me when I found books by Perry Marshall, Dan
Kennedy, and Joe Schroeder. New things… Impossible things came into my
world about building a network marketing business.

They completely changed my set of rules and possibilities.

I made their realities mine, and in less than a year, I was making the
kind of money that existed in their world.

And guess what's happened since then?

NEWER realities have been seen... Realities where earning $100,000/mo is
not even a big deal... Where earning $1,000,000+ per month is absolutely

And the ability and means to accomplish these goals have presented
themselves as well.

If you want to live a new life. A free life. The life of an
entrepreneur… You must seek out people who live in the world you want,
because the bus you ride now doesn’t stop there.

But before that, you must decide one what reality you want to live in…
Define a new set of rules for what it… You’ve got to hand the driver a
new map with new stops.

Here are just a few of the rules in my world…

In my reality:

I do not fear poverty, because I will always be rich.

Making $1,000,000 a month is not only possible, but a forgone event.

People like, trust, and respect me.

There is no business skill I cannot master.

I attract Top Tier prospects effortlessly because they can see that I
share a similar reality to theirs.

For many of you, these things could never happen. You could never fathom a
7 figure income, and you could never imagine ultra-high caliber, 7-figure
network marketers wanting to do business with you...

Well, here’s the kicker…

You can, and they would… If, your reality, your belief level, was
stronger than theirs.

If it is, they will absolutely buy into your world.

When your level of belief about a new rule you set for yourself becomes
stronger than your current belief, then your world will change and you will
have what you seek…

But not before.

Belief comes first. Results come second.

Define your new reality. Live it. Sleep it. Dream it. And your life will
become it.

If you'd like to adopt the parts of my reality that helped me achieve
spectacular results in business, the read Magnetic Sponsoring. It's that

Reading the books written by mentors allowed me to adopt THEIR realities,
and achieve the same kind of results they did.

Click above to adopt my
8-Figure Reality for yourself

Thank you for your leadership,

Sunday, October 11, 2009

F*R*E*E Leads, 1st Page of Google, and More Sales?!?!

Over the last few weeks we have had some truly ground-breaking
Wednesday Marketing Webinars!

The feedback we've been receiving from our guest has been absolutely incredible. And best of all, we are getting emails from people that are actually getting immediate results from what they learned on our webinars!!


Well, this Wednesday we're going to continue to over-deliver
with incredible value and training.

This Wednesday we are bringing on two very special guests, two master marketers, that have been performing some incredible magic for their clients and students.

We've been following these two for some time, and are consistently impressed by their high level of training, integrity and leadership.

This Wednesday you are going to meet the #1 SEO Marketers in our industry. Their clients include, and to name a few.

You are going to learn exactly how SEO can explode your online business, and you will learn some simple techniques you can begin using right away to increase your exposure and generate traffic at absolutely zero cost!!

99% of marketers are completely terrified and confused when it comes to Search Engine Optimization.

And that's fantastic!! Because it gives you the opportunity to absolutely dominate,if you learn a few simple strategies! These 2 have an incredible nack at being able to simplify the complex world of SEO, which is the reason they receive glowing reviews from their students who are achieving phenomenal results.

If you want more F R E E Traffic, F R E E Leads, and more exposure for your websites, do NOT Miss This Webinar.

We only have 1000 spots on the webinar, and this one will absolutely MAX OUT!!

So register today and get on the webinar early!!

Live Marketing & Training Call for Members and Guests Join Us this Wednesday Night and listen live.

9PM Eastern
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific See on the webinar!!

Time Converter Link: worldclock/converter.html

See you

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Flu Season is Here

Fall is here, and winter is just around the corner…again. Football, frost, and, more recently, flu shots are just a few of the things associated with this time of year. The first two are inevitable. The third is a matter of choice, which has been popularized more by marketing and propaganda than by effectiveness. Another recent study bears this out.

During the last two decades the flu vaccination rate among the elderly has increased from 15 to 65 percent, but there hasn’t been a corresponding decrease in hospital admissions or mortality.

A Canadian study involved 352 individuals given the flu vaccine and 352 matched control individuals who didn’t get the shot. Eighty-five percent of the participants were over age 64. Overall, 29 percent of these individuals came down with severe pneumonia, and 12 percent of the group died. At first glance, it appeared that the flu vaccination reduced the mortality rate by about 50 percent. Only 8 percent of those receiving the vaccine died, compared to 15 percent of those not receiving the shot. Most other studies come to a similar conclusion and report findings like these as a matter of fact—but this study went a little further.

The researchers in this study not only adjusted for factors such as age, gender, and co-existing illnesses, they also took into account what they refer to as the “healthy-user effect.” This is one very important factor that hasn’t been considered in the earlier studies.

Dr. Sumit Majumdar, the lead researcher, explains the healthy-user effect describes what most doctors refer to as their “good” patients. These are the ones who take a serious approach to their health by exercising regularly, not smoking, drinking in moderation, taking supplements or necessary medications, et cetera. When you include this factor into the evaluation, taking the flu vaccine didn’t have any significant effect on mortality. In other words, if someone is otherwise healthy they probably have a better chance of surviving a serious flu infection than someone who is already frail and in ill heath. The flu vaccine doesn’t change the mortality rate in either the already-healthy group or the already-ill group.

Despite the overwhelming evidence that the flu vaccination program offers no benefit, I’m sure it will go on and on like most government-sponsored efforts. Most of the public, and health professionals alike, have been brainwashed into believing it’s saving lives. Personally, I would suggest spending your money and efforts on making sure you’re keeping your immune system in shape so you don’t get sick in the first place. Regular and adequate exercise and rest, a good diet, and clean water are an essential start to staying well. So is a sound daily supplement program. There are some key supplements, in addition to a daily multivitamin-mineral supplement, that can ensure your immune system stays strong and healthy. I recommend taking the following on a daily basis:

  • Vitamin D. Make sure you get vitamin D through sunshine or supplements. However, hardly anyone is making enough vitamin D from sunshine exposure during this time of year, so everyone should be supplementing their diet with 2,000 to 4,000 IU of vitamin D daily.

  • Vitamin C. Even without signs of a flu or cold, I take 2,000 mg of vitamin C each day.

    CLICK HERE: Blog was prewritten by Dr. David Williams

• Educate, enhance and balance the immune system with this exclusive Formula.

• Boosts NK cell activity a proven 437%

Includes Cordyvant, a proprietary blend of ingredients such as maitake mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, cordyceps, and beta-glucan.

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Clean Start To Healthy Living

Digestive system health will help keep you moving forward.

A growing number of health experts agree...internal cleansing and detoxification help prepare your body for optimal health.

Think of an air filter that's rarely (or possibly, never) cleaned. Not a pretty picture is it? And when you think of the effects of this dirty build up, the image gets much worse. A dirty filter means clean air can't circulate properly. In fact, it most often causes dirty air and unclean particles to pass back through the system, potentially leading to costly damage. Much like a filter, your digestive system can benefit from a regular cleansing program and consistent support for healthy function.

The digestive system is one of the largest organ system in the body and certainly one of the most important because of its direct association with so many other health issues. It's made up of the digestive tract, comprised of the mouth, esophagus, stomach intestines, and colon, as well as digestive organs, including the liver and pancreas.

When the food you eat is properly digested, the healthy nutrients are absorbed to provide the fuel the body requires for everyday wellness and vitality. Unfortunately, current eating trends, poor dietary choices, prescribed and over-the counter drugs, and a myriad of evironmental factors have created a situation where the digestive system becomes overburdened. It can struggle to function or eliminate efficiently.

That's when build up can occur, toxins accumulate, and the system will become challenged with problems, such as: heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis, yeast infections, weight gain, lack of energy, or other conditions.

Your liver also performs essential functions, including the production of clotting factors, proteins, bile, and more than a thousand different enzymes; the packaging of cholesterol; the storage of energy to fuel muscles, maintenance of normal blood sugar concentration, the regulation of several hormones; and the detoxification of drugs and poisons.

Supplementing with nutrients that support healthy digestive system and liver function can promote your body's ability to filter out the bad and absorb all the good. And, when you maintain healthy system function, you'll also help optimize all the other great things you do for your when you're eating right and staying physically active.

A full intestinal cleanse at least twice each year, followed up by weekly maintenance and quality detoxification support, can set the stage for a fresh start as you continually renew your commitment to a healthy lifestyle and weight management goals.

Health Maintenance

Once you achieve your health and fitness goals, don't compromise on your success. Keep up on your full intestinal cleanse and detox, and maintain healthy living with these tips:

Follow a healthy diet that includes foods rich in fiber
Drink plenty of water
Support health immune system function
Supplement with whole plant concentrates, including nutrient rich greens
Compliment your healthy lifestyle with products that promote
regularity and healthy digestive function
Maintain levels of good bacteria within your system
Supplement your body with digestive enzymes
Take in nutrients that support healthy liver function

Thursday, October 8, 2009

New Training Call - Today @ 6PM Eastern, Live Prospecting...In the Office with MLSP Top Earners..

We are extremely pumped to bring even MORE value & training to.

You want to hear how our top players
work the phones???

Guys & gals in the trenches day in and
day out just like YOU...

There's one key difference… THEY'RE

Our #1 guy, Cedrick Harris, will be running
the show. He'll be on the phones LIVE
with his leads and you'll get to
see poetry in motion… ;)

He'll also be pulling out leaders within
our "Millionaires In Motion" top earner
club who will also be calling their leads.

This is INVALUABLE training and is the
#1 skill you can EVER attain as a network

Come see how easily sponsoring new
members really is and how these
guys & gals can attract endless new
primary company distributors leveraging
the most powerful system on the planet.

Click on my blog to REGISTER FOR OUR NEW
AT 6:00 PM EST:

Oh, and you'll get all the golden nuggets, tips,
and tricks that these leaders are using on the
phone to psychologically get Mr. or Mrs.
Prospect to sign-up on the spot!

This is going to blast YOUR business into

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Relevant Content: The Key To Creating LASTING Wealth, Traffic, And Abundance Online

Here is some more information from my friend David Wood. He definately has the answer when it comes to getting massive amounts of people to join your network, and I am here to share this valuable information with you.

Hello everyone!

Wow. It’s been a crazy last couple of days. Last week I ended up making more than $27,000 and I sponsored 14 people (personally) in my online business...

A lot of online marketing leaders are raising their eyebrows right now, because it’s pretty rare that someone comes in to the online marketing scene and creates cash flow so quickly using nothing but content creation as their form of marketing.

So people are wondering how I started marketing online 2 months ago, and produce more income than most people who have been marketing online for 2 years without paying anything for advertising…

…The answer is simple, it’s by creating mass amounts of “relevant content” and promoting that content in a way where the people who are searching for it find it wherever they look.

You see, when you market by attracting people through relevant content, you’re simply targeting people who are looking for what you’re selling, and giving them exactly what they’re looking for. Over the last 2 weeks, I’ve seen people start applying my article marketing secrets, and there are some basic mistakes that I see people making again and again. Most of the mistakes revolve around making their content ‘relevant’ to what people are searching for, and FOCUSING their content around one subject.

What do I mean? I’ll give you a couple of random examples I’ve ran into. Some of these even rank well, they’re just not relevant to the search and as a result won’t produce very good results.

This is a great example of what’s not ‘relevant content’. The following video shows up under a search for “ilearningglobal review” (without the quotation marks). Go ahead and watch it and you’ll see what I mean:

CLICK HERE: To see the rest of his blog:

Monday, October 5, 2009

We Kidnapped the Top 1% of Inter-Network Marketers ***

I've got a few questions
for you...

Who is your mentor???

Are they the best at what they do?

Are they top earners within their primary

Are they generating at least 30+ leads
per day?

Is what they are doing duplicable?

And are they achieving the results YOU
want to achieve in this industry?!?!

If you said NO to any of these questions,
then this Wednesday, October 7th at 9:00
PM EST, I want to introduce you to your
NEW mentors.

A few friends of mine will be interviewing
some of the most talented network marketers
who have increased their value 100-fold
over the last 12 months.

They have become so incredibly valuable
that out of a pool of THOUSANDS of networkers,
these guys & gals have risen to the top 1%.

And here's the best part ...

EVERYTHING they are doing is 100%
duplicable, and their results speak for themselves.
After this Wednesday you could be following some
of the sharpest internet network marketers in
the game today.

Register for the Wed. Oct. 7th on this blog:

Live Marketing & Training Call for MLMLeadSystemPRO Members and Guests
Join Us this Wednesday Night and listen live.

9PM Eastern
8PM Central
7PM Mountain
6PM Pacific

Time Converter Link:

You've got ONE round at this game called
life, and if you want to achieve extraordinary
results, quit wasting your time following "leaders"
who haven't made a dime in this industry.

Learn how to get to the promised land from those
who are there TODAY! Soar with the eagles instead
of peddling with the pigeons… isn't it about time
you made some money in M*L*M?!

See you Wednesday,

Cheryl Diamond