Being healthy is alot of common sense. Keep the mycotoxin load down, get plenty of exercise, eat foods rich in antioxidants, practice relaxation, and I think we would all be considerably more healthy. Life is too short to be sick and tired all of the time. People use the excuse that they will die happy. How true is this? Who wants to suffer? There is so much to enjoy in a lifetime, why not enjoy it in good health?
My friend and mentor Doug Kaufmann presented a piece I would like to share with you.
Cause of Cancer
There has been a theory as to the main cause of cancer and how to prevent cancer that Dr. Otto H. Warbug won the Nobel Peace Prize for in 1931. There are many secondary causes for cancer. More than any other disease. This is why there is no simple cure for cancer today. But we have known the main cause and we know how to dramatically reduce our risks of cancer. There is one common thread to all cancers. Cancer is a deformed cell. It does not create energy the same way a non cancerous cell does.
“Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.” — Dr. Otto H. Warburg in Lecture
This means to us that lack of oxygen and excess refined sugar are the primary cause. Conversely when we get lots of oxygen and limit the refined sugar we consume we dramatically reduce the risk of cancer.
Interestingly, this is God’s plan. We were created eat of the fruit of the ground. In Genesis 1:29 God said, “I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” So we were given fruit, vegetables, whole grain, nuts and beans as a balanced healthy diet. There is no refined sugar in the diet that God gave us. There are no food additives or preservatives. If we eat organic fruit and vegetables we avoid pesticides, herbacides and other chemicals. This is the food God intended for us.
This is how we Prevent Cancer.
Today there are many studies on the anioxidant effects of certain fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans and herbs. Today we are studying what God said in the begining. Because we have to prove His Word. We have to scientifically know that what God said is true. So we are learning that cauliflower, broccoli, brussell sprouts, cabbage, tomatoes and even apples, blueberries, strawberries and many other fruit and vegetables with natural teas like green tea, oolong tea, and pu-er tea have vitamin, minerals and nutrients that fight and prevent cancer.
When we think of the world that God created we see he gave us plant life throughout the world and our work was to harvest our food. Effectively, we worked were we would get plenty of fresh oxygen and exercise. No pollution. No tall buildings with windows that could not open. Lots of plant life to filter the carbon dioxide and convert it to pure oxygen. In the world God created there was no refined foods or additives or preservatives that effect our health.
The true cause of cancer is we do not believe God and we do not do what he says. If we would simply focus on eating fresh fruit and raw vegetables as God said in the beginning as well as get fresh air and exercise cancer would not be an important disease. It would be rare as it was in the past. Unfortunately, the money motive has caused the world to overlook or even suppress truth and promote lies in the name of the shareholders. Just as there is planned obselesence refined sugar and sodium added most processed foods to have us crave foods that are not healthy and even cause diseases. This is similar to cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. We just gotta have that soda or piece of cake. We can not eat the food if it is not sweet enough or have enough salt and seasonings on it.
So we must have balance in our lives. We must eat a healthy diet focused fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains (not processed or enhanced), nuts and beans. We must limit meat, fish and poultry. Avoid soda and most commercially produced drinks. Drink plenty of water, fresh juice and natural teas. Get plenty of fresh air, sleep and regular physical exercise. We all know the formula to a healthy lifestyle.
As a baby boomer and someone with more years behind me than ahead of me I realize the importance of healthy food, believing God and doing what He says.
We know the truth. We can prevent cancer as with most diseases. What will you choose to do?
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